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- 2010-02-03 - 收藏Epson(爱普生)
Epson's history spans more than 100 years, with a heritage that began in watch making and led to the invention of the world's first quartz watch along with many other technology "firsts."
- 2010-02-03 - 收藏HP United States
Official Hewlett-Packard site - Buy or learn about HP printers, laptops, computers, digital cameras, servers, storage, networking, software, enterprise solutions and more.
- 2010-01-30 - 收藏Lenovo United States
Shop Lenovo computers. Special offers on ThinkCentre and IdeaCentre desktops and ThinkPad and IdeaPad laptops, notebooks and netbooks. For business, home and school.
- 2010-01-30 - 收藏Network World
Network news, trend analysis, product testing and the industry's most important blogs, all collected at the most popular network watering hole on the Internet.
- 2010-01-26 - 收藏