

  • BeeCloud官网


    BeeCloud | 让支付更简单 | 一站式支付解决方案提供商 | 为开发者提供一站式支付解决方案。通过提供易用友好的支付SDK,几行代码高效实现网页、APP支付功能,并提供可靠稳定可靠的分布式云后端服务,保障支付流程安全流畅。beecloud.cn

    - 2016-04-27 - 收藏
  • 嗨图官网



    - 2016-04-27 - 收藏
  • 摩客设计工具


    摩客|简洁高效的原型设计工具 - Mockplus更快、更简单的原型设计可视化交互,母版重用,云同步,真机预览及演示包、HTML导出支持。www.mockplus.cn

    - 2016-04-27 - 收藏
  • Briefs


    Briefs is a robust application and can be intimidating to get started. We\'ve created a quick-start guide for getting over the initial hurdles. Once you completed this guide you will have completed your first brief, and watch it come to life on your device. We go into enough detail to cover most of the functionality you\'ll want to start building briefs from your own designs. You can download it as a PDF or an ePub that you can put on your iPad for handy reference while working through the gu

    - 2016-04-27 - 收藏
  • 墨刀网



    - 2016-04-27 - 收藏
  • faceui官网


    faceui 是中国领先的体验创新咨询公司,为众多世界级企业创造出具有极致品质的智能互联网产品体验,提供战略性的服务创新设计、产品交互设计、产品界面设计和用户体验咨询服务.www.faceui.com

    - 2016-04-27 - 收藏
  • POP官网


    POP turns hand-drawn wireframes to interactive prototypes. Sketch the app ideas on paper; take pictures and add links between the mockups; sync your app prototypes with Dropbox, simulate on iPhone, Android, or web and share your prototype idea online to get feedbacks.

    - 2016-04-27 - 收藏
  • Fluid UI

    Fluid UI

    Design Android, iPhone and desktop apps and run them on your mobile in under 15 minutes.www.fluidui.com

    - 2016-04-27 - 收藏
  • Axure Software

    Axure Software

    The prototyping and specification software used by 86% of the Fortune 100. Beyond mockups, design interactive prototypes for business solutions, websites, and applications.www.axure.com

    - 2016-04-27 - 收藏
  • DIY Free Mobile AppMakr

    DIY Free Mobile AppMakr

    Build your own apps for iPhone and Android with our drag and drop mobile app creator. Our video guides help you publish them to Google Play and Apple Appstore

    - 2016-04-27 - 收藏
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