Brazil Post Tracking巴西邮政快递单号查询巴西(Brazil Post/Correios) Correios had its origin in Brazil on January 25, 1663, and since then it has been modernizing, creating and providing quality services that meet the expectations of its customers.
The company performs an important function of integration and social inclusion, a vital role for national development. In the composition of its revenues, 54.3% come from monopoly services (letters, telegrams and bulk mail), so that the market reserve of these three services is an essential factor for its survival and to guarantee universal access.
Side by side with the social aspect, Correios offers solutions with cutting edge technology to meet the communication needs of companies and institutions in an increasingly competitive market. This is the case of Sedex, created in 1982, which became one of the main products of the company and leads the express parcels' delivery industry in Brazil. In recent years, the service has expanded to other modalities, such as e-Sedex, Sedex 10, Sedex Hoje and Sedex Mundi, further speeding the delivery of parcels.
Due to its highly pervasive action, providing financial services at Correios' post offices is increasingly becoming an important contribution to the inclusion of millions of Brazilians into the banking system. Since the creation of the Postal Bank, thousands of people who once had to travel to a nearby town to perform a simple banking operation now have the convenience of being able to do everything in the city where they live.
Driven by technological, economic and social changes, Correios has since 2009 adopted a new Corporate Identity, taking on a proactive stance towards customers, society, employees and the government. In addition to offering and delivering products and services, Correios began to better understand the demands of society, providing solutions to bring people and organizations closer, wherever they are. More than honoring all commitments to customers, Correios wants to anticipate their needs and operate with sustainability, aimed at business development and economic, environmental and social balance.
This new attitude will help ECT become a world class company that stands out for its practices and results.
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