
Bahrain Post tracking巴林邮政快递单号查询www.bahrain.bh

来源:网络推荐 浏览:402次 时间:2017-12-14
Bahrain Post tracking巴林邮政快递单号查询http://www.bahrain.bh/巴林邮政提供完整的邮政服务和一系列其他服务,如本地/国际邮件递送、驾照续期、汽车登记和车辆保险服务。巴林邮政设立了多个邮政局,具体邮局的营业时间视地点而定。

Bahrain Post provides full postal services such as local/international mail as well as additional services such as renewal of driving licenses, car registration, and vehicle insurance. Post offices are located in numerous locations in Bahrain and business hours vary depending on location.