City-link Express国际快递单号查询 City-Link
Found in 1979 by Founder and Dato David Tan, Dato David Tan has made City-Link Express the success it is today. Now City-Link is able to offer an extensive range of products and services to cater to both the domestic and international markets. Since our debut, City-Link Express has expanded beyond the Malaysian shores and into Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Hong Kong, China, etc.
Company Values
In today's society, transportation or 'Logistic Management' as it popularly called; is to solve complex transportation issues by providing consultation along with pick-up and delivery services to ensure your goods reach its intended destination on schedule and in good condition. In short... Let us do the heavy lifting. We, City-Link Express understand logistics. With over 30 years of experience, we gladly share our expertise and learning's to assist you, our valued customer with all your courier and logistics needs. It is through this relationship we better understand all your needs so that we can custom-fit our services to serve you better.
Vision Statement
"Our vision is to provide logistics needs and become customers' preferred choice in Asia Pacific by 2020. We will strive to provide better services to our customers through continuous improvement. We will enhance our revenue and provide exemplary workplace for our employees. With quality services, our organization will be looked upon by our customers, employees, stakeholders and the community."
Mission Statement
"City-Link Express continues to support businesses through the 21st century by providing express and logistics solutions that meet and exceed expectations through the organization's pool of talents. Quality services can be realized through cultivating an effective and efficient supply chain involving our suppliers to customers. City-Link Express has the intention to expand its presence further throughout Asia Pacific by developing better services and other growth opportunities that may be obtainable with equal consideration to practice and abide by being corporate socially responsible and ethical."
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