
YOU AND ME103首非常好听的英语儿歌和数来宝(81-103)

来源:网络推荐 浏览:567次 时间:2018-09-12
81. What's in Your Lunch Bag?

What's in your lunch bag?

It's time for lunch!

Let's eat!

It's time to eat!

What's in your lunch bag?

82. You'll Get Wet!

Look outside!

It might rain all afternoon!

It's raining!

The sky's not clear!

And you don't have an umbrella.

The sky's not clear!

I bet!

You won't stay dry.

It might rain all afternoon!

We won't stay dry.

So you'll get wet!

You'll get wet!

We'll get wet!

We'll get wet!

But we're not upset!

But we're not upset!

Look outside!

83. Compare the Animals

It's raining!

Look at the animals over there!

And you don't have an umbrella.

Let's compare the animals!

Don't cry!

Giraffes are taller than camels.

It might rain all afternoon!

Giraffes are taller than monkeys.

You won't stay dry.

Firaffes are taller than lions

We won't stay dry!

and much taller than other animals in the zoo.

You'll get wet! And taller-much taller than you! We'll get wet!

But we're not upset! Look at the animals over there!

Let's compare the animals! Look outside! Lions are more powerful than camels. It's raining! Lions are more powerful than monkeys. And you don't have an umbrella. Lions are more powerful than giraffes. Stay here!

and much more powerful than other animals in the zoo.

that's a beautiful gown she is wearing?

And much more-powerful than you!

I do! I do!

Don't you think that's a beautiful veil? Look at the animals over there! Oh, what a lovely day! Let's compare the animals! Like a fairy tale! Monkeys are not tas tall as camels. Oh, don't you think so? Monkeys are not as tall as lions I do! I do! Monkeys are not as tall as giraffes

and not as tall as other animals in the zoo.

The groom is lifting the veil.

And not as tall as you!

Now he's kissing the bride.

And she is kissing him, too.

84. I Do! I Do!

And the groom said...

Don't you think

And the bride said...

it's a beautiful day for a wedding?

"I do"

I do! I do!

"I do"

Don't you think she's a beautiful bride

and he's a handsome groom

Don't you think

standing by her side?

it's a beautiful day for a wedding?

Oh, don't you think so?

I do! I do!

I do! I do!

Don't you think she's a beautiful bride

and he's a handsome groom

Don't you think

standing by her side?

Oh, don't you think so?

I do! I do!

85. What Kind? What kind?

What kind? What kind?

Grandma is baking!

I am baking a vanilla cake!

What is she baking?

That's my favorite kind!

I smell cookies!

She's baking cookies!

86. The piano and the Violin

Listen to the piano

What kind? What kind?

and the violin!

Grandma is baking chocolate cookies!

Sing each note!

Those are my favorite kind!

Sing each note!

Now, let's begain!

Grandpa is baking!

What is he baking?

Do Re Mi

I smell a pie!

Fa So La Ti

He's baking a pie!


What kind? What kind?

Do Ti La So

Grandpa is baking an apple pie!

Fa Mi Re

That's my favorite kind!


( Repeat all.)

I am baking!

What is she baking?

87. I Have a Cold

I smell a cake.

I have a fever!

I'm baking a cake!

And my throat is sore!

( cough) I have a cough!

Take your medicine, please!

Don't talk anymore!

He has a cold!

I have a fever!

He has to rest!

Now, I'm going to sneeze!

He has to go to sleep!

( Ah-choo!)

And so he'll get undressed!

Bless you!

And get a lot of rest!

Take your medicine, please!

88. One Day

I have a cold!

I hope one day I'll be eight feet tall.

You have to rest!

And I hope I'll be as strong as an ox!

You have to go to sleep!

And just for fun,

Ok! I'll get undressed!

one day I'll run

Good! Get a lot of rest!

one hundred blocks!

He has a fever!

One day!

And his throat is sore!

I hope I'll be

He has a cough!

everything I want to be!

He shouldn't talk anymore!

One day!

I hope I'll do

He has a fever!

everything I want to do!

Now, he's going to sneeze!


I hope one day

Bless you!

I'll be as smart as you are!

I hope I'll be as rich as a king.

I got ninety last time.

And one day soon,

And now I want a hundred!

I'll go to the moon!

Now let's all sing:

How was the exam?


One day!

Are you tired?

I hope I'll be

Yes, I am!

everything I want to be!

Do you know your score?

One day!


I hope I'll do

Eighty? Ninety?

everything I want to do!

I'm not sure.

89. A Perfect Score

She really wants a perfect score.

How was the exam?

She wants to get a hundred.


She got ninety last time.

Are you tired?

And now she wants a hundred!

Yes, I am!

a hundred!

Do you know your score?

A hundred!


One hundred!

Eighty? Ninety?

A hundred!

I'm not sure.

A perfect score.

I really want a perfect score.

90. Let's Build Something Together!

I want to get a hundred.

Get some boards,

and get some nails

Yes, we are!

right away!

At the salad bar! At the salad bar!

Let's build something together today!

How about some cucumbers?

Get the hammer

Why don't you try some celery?

and get a saw

And how about some grapes and cherries, too?

right away! At the salad bar, Let's build something together today! there's a lot of good food for you!

Cut the boards with the saw. We would like some salad! Pound the nails with the hammer very hard!

Yes, we would!

Let's build something together in our backyard!

At the salad bar the food is good!

We are choosing fruits and vegetables.

Yes, we are! Get some boards, At the salad bar! At the salad bar! and get some nails

right away! How about some lettuce? Let's build something together today! Why don't you try some tomatoes?

91. At the Salad Bar

And how about some carrots and pickles, too?

We would like some salad!

At the salad bar,

Yes, we would!

there's a lot of good food for you!

At the salad bar the food is good!

We are choosing fruits and vegetables.

92. The Rabbit, the fox, and the Bee

I made up a story!

Yes! The rabbit meets

Listen to my story!

the bee in the forest .

It's a story about a rabbit

At last!

and a fox and a bee.

But rabbit why are you

Tell us your story!

running so fast?

Tell us your story-

A fox is chasing me!

your story about the rabbit

Yes! I can see!

and the fox and the bee!

Can you help me?

You're just a little bee!

The fox is very hungry

Yes, I'm only one bee.

so he wanted to eat.

But there are many others!

And who do you think

And the fox will be afraid

the fox is going to meet?

of all of my brothers!

The rabbit! The rabbit!

So you can stay


while the fox runs away!

The fox meets the rabbit.

The fox meets the rabbit

Do you like my stroy?

in the forest today.

I hope you like my stroy-

And the rabbit is afraid.

my story about the rabbit

So the rabbit runs away!

and the fox and the bee.

Thanks for your story!

And who do you think

Thanks for your story-

the rabbit is going to meet?

your story about the rabbit

The bee! The bee!

and the fox and the bee!

Yes, you got one!

93. We're Going to Go Fishing!

You caught a really big one!

We're going to go fishing!

This fish is mine!

We're going to go fishing!

Don't forget the fishing rod!

94. A Busy Street

And don't forget the bait!

It's a busy street with a lot of people

We're going to go fishing!

and a lot of cars, too.

We're going to go fishing!

It's a busy street.

We're going to leave early

And I want to walk

so don't be late!

across the street with you

You must be patient

But who's that man in the uniform?

to catch a fish!

And why is he standing

If you are patient

in the middle of the street?

you will get your wish!

Who's that man in the uniform?

Who's that man? I repeat.

Take a look!

Take a look!

He's a policeman.

There's a fish

He's directing traffic so all the cars can go.

on the hook! Who's that man Reel in the line! and why is he standing there?

Now I know! Look, I got one!

I caught a really big one!

It's a busy street with a lot of people

Fire! Fire!

and a lot of cars, too.

A house is on fire!

It's a busy street.

I see a fire engine

And I want to walk

coming this way!

across the street with you

Fire! Fire!

The traffic light is green.

A house is on fire!

We can cross!

A fireman says,

We can cross!

"Keep away!"


The traffic light is yellow!

They'll put out the fire

We should wait!

with the fire hoses here.

We should wait!

They'll beat the fire!

Now the traffic light is red

But we shouldn't stand near.

Don't walk! Don't walk!

But I don't want to be late!

Burning! Burning!

The house is burning.

It's a busy street with a lot of people

But the fireman's outfit

and a lot of cars, too.

is fireproof.

It's a busy street.

And I want to walk

Water! Water!

across the street with you

Here comes the water

from the fire hoses

95. Fire

onto the roof!

I bet I can!

96. I am the Best!

Who can jump the farthest?

I am the best!

The farthest! The farthest!

I think it's really true!

Who can jump the farthest?

I am the best at everything I do!

I bet I can!

97. Dark and Light

Who can jump the highest?

Look at the colors,

The farthest! The highest!

dark and light.

Who can jump the highest?

Sing a pretty song

I bet I can!

about day and night.

I am the best!

Dark green leaves,

I think it's really true!

Light green grass.

I am the best at everything I do!

Light blue sky.

The day will pass.

Who is the strongest?

Light pink clouds,

The strongest! the strongest!

Setting sun.

Who is the strongest?

Day is done for everyone.

I bet I can!

Dark blue sky.

Stars and moon.

Who is the smartest?

In my dream,

The smartest! The smartest!

I'll see you soon

Who is the smartest?

Look at the colors,

person to make an electric light!

dark and light.

Sing a pretty song

Who was the first

about day and night.

Woman to fly alone across the ocean?

Who was the first?

98. Who Was the First?

Who was the first

Who was the first

Woman to fly alone across the ocean?

president of the United states?

Amelia Earhart!

Who was the first?

Amelia Earhart!

Who was the first

Amelia Earhart was the first

president of the United states?

Woman to fly alone across the ocean!

George Washington!

George Washington!

Who was the first

George Washington was the first

man to walk on the moon?

president of the United states!

Who was the first?

Who was the first

Who was the first

man to walk on the moon?

person to make an electric light?

Neil Armstrong!

Who was the first?

Neil Armstrong!

Who was the first

Neil Armstrong was the first

person to make an electric light?

man to walk on the moon!

Thomas Edison!

Thomas Edison!

99. Let's Jump Rope!

Thomas Edison was the first

I'd like to play with you!

Ok! What whould we do?

I can use the keyboard

Let's jump rope!

and the mouse.

Let's jump rope!

I know how to use a computer!

Sorry, but I don't know how!

And I have one in my house!

You can learn!

Turn on the computer

You can learn!

and the monitor.

I can teach you now!

And look at the screen.

Hold the ends of the rope

Take a CD-ROM

with your left hand and your right!

and put it in the drive.

My computer is a magic machine!

Put the rope behind you.

Lift it over your head.

With my computer

Then jump!

I can draw!

That's right!

Play games, and read

and type,and more

You can jump a hundred times

Send e-mail

without stopping?

and Listen to a song!


And I can sing along!

I can jump two hundred times!

Maybe I'll jump more!

know how to use a computer!

I can use the keyboard

100. The Computer Song

and the mouse.

I know how to use a computer!

I know how to use a computer!

And I have one in my house!

I'll have both!

Just because

Turn on the computer

I'm still hungry!

and the monitor.

Are you kidding?

And look at the screen.

No, I'm not!

Take a CD-ROM

No, I'm not!

and put it in the drive.

Because I always eat a lot!

My computer is a magic machine!

102. Thunder and Lightning

101. Because

What's the sound?

I hear someone in the kitchen.

Do you hear the sound?

That's because Mom is cooking there!

It's a scary sound!

I think she is cooking pasta.

It's thunder!

That's because we love it!

What's that flash?


Do you see that flash?

It's a big, a bright flash!

You are eating so much food!

It's lightning!

Because I'm hungry as a bear!

We know why! We know why!

I hear thunder!

Because it's dinner time!

I see lightning!

Thunder and lightning

Now what's for dessert?

are frightening!

What's for dessert?

Chocolate or banana pudding.

Don't be afraid.

It's only a storm.

I'm just curious!

And it will be over by tomorrow morning.

I'd like to be a frog

What's the sound?

for just one day.

Do you hear the sound?

I'd like to learn

It's a scary sound!

all the games a frog can play.

It's thunder!

And if you wonder why

What's that flash?

I will tell you why.

Do you see that flash?

I'm just curious!

It's a big, a bright flash!

It's lightning!

I'd like to be a dragonfly

for just one day.

I hear thunder!

I'd like to learn

I see lightning!

all the games a dragonfly can play.

Thunder and lightning

And if you wonder why

are frightening!

I will tell you why.

I'm just curious!

103. Just Curious

I'd like to be a tadpole

for just one day.

I'd like to learn

all the games a tadpole can play.

And if you wonder why

I will tell you why.