

来源:美西时尚 浏览:806次 时间:2014-02-11
美西时尚www.meici.com创立于2008年,隶属于上海美昔贸易有限公司。秉承 “轻松享受奢华” 的理念,将潮流时尚和奢华服务通过数字化的平台带给中国消费者。作为国内最早的时尚奢侈品电子商务网站,美西时尚率先推出了成为行业标准的多项优质服务,为中国奢侈品电子商务市场的发展奠定了基础。同时将传统时尚读物与电子商务相结合,创建了业内领先的时尚在线电子读物——新媒体 “Mzine”,为奢侈品电子商务的运营模式开拓了全新的渠道。随着市场的进一步成熟,美西时尚也不断发展,在行业内一直保持着领先的地位,并不断获得了市场与行业的肯定。2011年,美西时尚获得了国际知名私募基金软银赛富的投资,同年被中国计算机报评选为 “中国最有价值的奢侈品电子商务网站”;2012年被中国电子商务协会评为 “2012中国电子商务最具投资价值企业”。

Established in 2008, Meici.com has been bringing the latest fashion trends and innovative online shopping experiences to Chinese consumers through digital platforms. As the first luxury e-commerce company ever existed in China, Meici.com has pioneered the luxury e-tailing industry by creating many ground-breaking experiences and services that later became industry standards. Its revolutionizary e-magazine "Mzine", which combines fashion media and ecommerce, created completely new e-shopping experiences to consumers. Because of its significant contribution and continuous leadership position in the market, Meici.com was named “the most valuable luxury ecommerce website” by PC Newspaper China in 2011. Meici.com is funded by SAIF, the Asia's leading top private equity firms.