不同于谷歌图片搜索,TinEye搜图不用关健字,只要复制URL地址或上传一张图片就可以找到风格、颜色等类似的图片。TinEye is a reverse image search engine built by Idée currently in beta. Give it an image and it will tell you where the image appears on the web.
- 2015-05-10 - 收藏TIMEX天美时官网
天美时是拥有百年历史的美国手表第一品牌TIMEX,以专业的制表技术闻名全球,在美国为最畅销的运动休闲表品牌。For more than 150 years, Timex has focused on quality, value and timeless style. Today, trusted favorites testify to our customer loyalty, redesigned classics make bold modern statements, and worldwide popularity proves wearing a Timex tells more than time. Through trends, technology, expeditions, marathons and generations, Timex®, keeps on ticking.™
- 2015-04-24 - 收藏M.T.E Graphite & Carbon Material Co., Ltd
MTE Graphite & Carbon Material Co., Ltd is a professional graphite machining service provider and graphite material exporter. We offer best solution and reasonable price for our customers.
- 2015-03-16 - 收藏China Exhibition
China exhibition,China Trade shows,China fairs, China expo,China exhibitions & China events
- 2014-05-17 - 收藏Nuclear Atk 网络安全研究中心
这里是 Nuclear'Atk(核攻击)网络安全研究中心,欢迎您的光临!①、引爆网络核战争!引发网络核危机!制造大规模网络恐慌!核总武器库荣誉出品!②、走在世界最前端的人,不是天才,就是疯子!强大到变态,制造不可能!③、地球Online,你是玩家还是NPC?不要被传统观念所束缚!做真正的玩家!④、统治全球,奴役全人类!毁灭任何胆敢阻拦的有机生物!哥就是神!极度的权力!⑤、Powers! Greater Powers!!!
- 2014-03-04 - 收藏paginasamarillas
Páginas Amarillas es la guía de Empresas, Comercios, Servicios y Profesionales de Argentina. Lo que necesitas lo encontras en PaginasAmarillas.com.ar. Encontra solo lo que buscas.
- 2014-02-04 - 收藏