马耳他签证中心官网mt.vfsglobal.cnThe Malta Visa Application Centre in Beijing which was inaugurated on 8 April 2009, and the Malta Visa Application Centre in Shanghai was inaugurated on 1 April 2015, are authorized by the Embassy of Malta in Beijing to receive visa applications from all over mainland China, receive the visa fee, and return passports to visa applicants holding ordinary passports. Please note that the Malta Visa Application Centre website contents and checklists apply only to residents of
- 2015-10-27 - 收藏UDI挪威移民局官网
挪威移民局(简称UDI)是管理移民事务的政府机构,负责全面协调移民管理,促进合法移民,为符合条件的人提供进入挪威的机会。目前挪威政府每年受理大约9万份签证申请,其中包括约6000份难民申请。用户可以通过其官方网站进行在线申请和办理。UDI har ansvar for behandling av søknader fra utlendinger som vil besøke eller bo i Norge, drift av asylmottak og utvisningssaker.www.udi.no
- 2015-10-25 - 收藏