浙江大学学术期刊网www.zjujournals.com浙江大学出版社期刊分社(原期刊中心)成立于2008年,旗下目前共出版22种学术期刊,包括浙江大学学报人文社会科学版、工学版、理学版、农业与生命科学版、医学版,工程设计学报,地基处理,浙江大学学报英文版A辑(JZUS-A (Appl Phys & Eng))、B辑(JZUS-B (Biomed & Biotechnol)),Front Inform Technol Electron Eng (FITEE),World Journal of Pediatrics (WJP),Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International (HBPD-INT),Food Quality and Safety (FQS),World Journal of Emergency Medicine (WJEM),Visual Informatics (VI),Laparoscopic、Endoscopic and Robotic Surgery (LERS),Biodesign and Manufacturing (BDM),World Journal of Pediatric Surgery (WJPS),IET Cyber-Systems and Robotics (IET CSR),Waste Disposal & Sustainable Energy (WDSE),Infectious Microbes & Diseases (IMD), Blockchain: Research & Applications (BCRA)等共7种中文期刊和15种英文期刊,另有多种加盟刊,包括高校应用数学学报、Applied Mathematics - A Journal of Chinese Univer
- 2022-04-14 - 收藏