系统生物医学研究院陶生策实验室taolab.sjtu.edu.cn The major research interests of Tao Lab are proteome microarray technology and Mycobacterium tuberculosis systems biology. We are constructing/ developing a variety of protein microarrays and microarray centered cutting edge technologies for both basic research and clinical studies. The applications that we are currently focusing include protein-protein interaction, post-translational modification and disease biomarker discovery.
- 2019-10-07 - 收藏医工论坛_医疗器械维修论坛
医工论坛是医疗器械维修及管理交流论坛,是医院设备科、医学工程科及其他医学工程专业人员的交流平台,提供医学工程领域的资讯信息、技术交流、配件供求、人才招聘等综合服务。 bbs.bmeol.com医工论坛_医疗器械维修论坛_医疗器械管理_医疗器械技术交流
- 2018-11-15 - 收藏
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