Nina Ricci(莲娜丽姿)
Nina Ricci - La maison de haute couture Nina Ricci est réputée en design haute couture et dans l'univers des parfums de luxe.
- 2011-04-22 - 收藏欧舒丹(L'OCCITANE)
这片位于法国南部,夹在阿尔卑斯山及地中海之间的世外桃源,是L’OCCITANE欧舒丹创办人Olivier Baussan的出生地。三十多年来,普罗旺斯的美丽田野,与当地纯朴自然的传统及技术,成为他研制美容产品的秘诀及灵感源泉。时至今日,L’OCCITANE欧舒丹所有产品仍然在普罗旺斯的小城Manosque研发及生产。
- 2011-04-21 - 收藏L'OCCITANE(欧舒丹)
Founded in 1976 by Olivier Baussan, L'OCCITANE is an international manufacturer and retailer of skincare, body care, fragrance and hair care.
- 2011-04-21 - 收藏STACCATO(思加图)
STACCATO offers the latest European trends in footwear and accessories for the contemporary women who treasures taste and style. The outstanding product design and quality, together with the tasteful store environment makes each STACCATO shopping experience unique and enjoyable.
- 2011-04-09 - 收藏MEYOSER美妍素
- 2010-11-02 - 收藏