The University of Alabama
Official Web Site of The University of Alabama; founded in 1831, UA is a senior comprehensive doctoral-level institution dedicated to advancing intellectual and social conditions through quality programs of teaching, research, and service
- 2015-11-13 - 收藏English Language (ESL) Learning Online
Resources to learn the English language for ESL, EFL, ESOL, and EAP students and teachers. Browse our Glossary of Terms, join our busy forums, download our free language software, read our articles and teacher handouts, and find useful links and information on English here.
- 2015-10-25 - 收藏井冈山大学学生就业指导服务网
- 2015-09-03 - 收藏中国运动员文化教育网
中国运动员文化教育网www.ydyeducation.com本站网址:http://www.ydyeducation.com 网站邮箱:yang.bai@emotech.cn 网站地址:北京市朝阳区雅宝路华声大厦902
- 2015-05-05 - 收藏Daily Times
DailyTimes delivers the latest breaking news and information on the latest top stories, entertainment, business, cricket, politics, and more. For comprehensive coverage, DailyTImes provides special reports, video, audio, photo galleries, and interactive content.
- 2013-12-17 - 收藏Ministry of Education巴基斯坦教育部网站
巴基斯坦教育部网站,语言为英文,内容包括部门简介、教育政策与计划、出版物、论坛等。联邦教育部设总务、学校、计划、课程和研究 5个司,与各省教育厅密切合作,执行国家教育政策。省教育厅设总务、计划和课程(包括师范教育)3个处。各级学校的行政和管理,全由省教育厅负责。联邦教育部在制订政策、与政府其他各部特别是财政部计划司保持密切联系方面,要保证使教育计划符合国家发展的需要。巴基斯坦的教育经费主要由各省负担,联邦政府重视教育,也不断增加教育拨款。
- 2013-12-17 - 收藏