Shenzhen LED-Hero Electronic Technology Co.,LTD
Shenzhen LED-HERO Electronic Telechnology Co.,Ltd was found in early 2007 . Hero committed to the next generation of LED optoelectronic products development, production, sales and service. It is leading the trend of LED industry and providing a full range of solutions to its customers. It has become a modern, large scale, professional LED Photoelectric comprehensive product integration supplier. The products sell well in over 50 countries and regions in Europe, America and Middle East, besides m
- 2014-08-23 - 收藏礼县之窗
礼县之窗礼县地处甘肃省东南部,陇南市北部,地跨东经104°37′-105°36′,北纬33°35′-34°31′之间,东邻天水秦州区、西和县,西接宕昌、岷县,南连陇南市武都区,北与武山、甘谷县接壤。全县幅员面积4299.92平方公里,南北长103千米,东西宽约88千米。本县地势处西北向东南倾斜,境内海拔最高3312米,最低1080米。 礼县地势西北高,东南低,境内山峦重叠,坡陡谷深,受新构造 运动的影响,山谷切断较深,山地面积大,占全县总面积的91%,而 川坝地,沿西汉水的盐官、永兴、城关、石桥等地有极少部分,仅占全县总面积的9%。境内流水,由东北向西南径流,在西部、北部、南 部的山区,有天然次生林,植被覆盖较好。
- 2014-08-20 - 收藏会直通MeetingTel
- 2014-08-18 - 收藏