MoMA云教务 | 学校管理系统 【自由设计,1对1量身订制,100%满足个性需求!私有云服务器,数据自己掌握】 手机、微信、APP,多角色分权限 www.yunjiaowu.org摩码创想(北京)科技有限公司,在品牌创立之前,一直在语言培训、K12、艺术培训、职业教育、学历教育、技术培训、IT培训等领域, 帮助各类教育圈的小伙伴搭建网校 平台(直播、录播), 教务系统管理系统和学员电子档案(CRM)管理系统、网络营销与销售管理系统。 直到2014年越来越多的朋友对使用 效果非常满意而相互推荐,为了提供更加专业的服务,我们成立了 MoMA云教务品牌这个品牌。
- 2016-04-29 - 收藏GHR|环球人力资源智库|中国第一HR学习平台|推动中国企业人力资源效能提升与组织转型
- 2016-04-28 - 收藏Briefs
Briefs is a robust application and can be intimidating to get started. We\'ve created a quick-start guide for getting over the initial hurdles. Once you completed this guide you will have completed your first brief, and watch it come to life on your device. We go into enough detail to cover most of the functionality you\'ll want to start building briefs from your own designs. You can download it as a PDF or an ePub that you can put on your iPad for handy reference while working through the gu
- 2016-04-27 - 收藏Axure Software
The prototyping and specification software used by 86% of the Fortune 100. Beyond mockups, design interactive prototypes for business solutions, websites, and applications.www.axure.com
- 2016-04-27 - 收藏