
  • Jewelry官网


    Shop Jewelry.com for exceptional designer jewelry and unique collections you won\'t find anywhere else, all at the best prices online.Jewelry.com创立于2001年,一个专门出售珠宝首饰的网店,旨在以最优惠的价格、最优质的产品服务广大消费者。在Jewelry,成千上万的钻石或是宝石戒指、耳环、项链、手链被出售,从35美元到3500美元不等,并且经常都有 60-80%的折扣。www.jewelry.com

    - 2015-06-18 - 收藏
  • Journeys官网


    Visit Journeys.com for the latest styles from top brands with FREE SHIPPING on purchases 39.99 and up! Journeys Shoes carries the hottest brands and latest styles of athletic sneakers, boots, sandals and heels.Journeys是全球知名鞋履品牌授权零售商,致力于为顾客带来最潮流的新款,最优惠的价格,最具品质的质量保证。热销品牌包括:UGG、ADIDAS、TIMBERLAND、CONVERSE、VANS、Puma等。www.journeys.com

    - 2015-06-18 - 收藏
  • LOFT官网


    LOFT is all about style. Our women's clothing is feminine and casual, including women's pants, dresses, sweaters, blouses, denim, skirts, suits, accessories, petites, tall sizes and more. Shop online or in one of our 500 stores.LOFT(洛芙特)是一个知名的女性服饰品牌。它坚持与消费者建立一种彼此信任的关系,为女性消费者的衣橱增添更多时尚元素。LOFT不断吸收最新流行趋势及穿衣搭配建议,致力于发展成为多元化的服装风格品牌。www.loft.com

    - 2015-06-18 - 收藏
  • Saks Fifth Avenue官网

    Saks Fifth Avenue官网

    Free Shipping, Every Day, Every Order. Shop Saks.com for the latest Designer Women\'s Apparel, Men\'s Apparel, Shoes, Handbags, Beauty and More.萨克斯第五大道精品百货店 (Saks Fifth Avenue),世界上顶级的百货公司之一, 常年都会有一些大品牌打折,包括巴宝莉 (Burberry) 、Charles Nolan 、Cynthia Steffe 、波士 (HUGO BOSS) 、橘滋 (Juicy Couture) 等等,最大的特点是折扣商品的颜色和大小基本齐全。最大的卖点是有一些款式独特的商品仅在萨克斯第五大道精品百货店 (Saks Fifth Avenue) 限量出售。

    - 2015-06-18 - 收藏
  • Shoebuy官网


    FREE Shipping & Returns. 1,200 Brands and a 100% Price Guarantee. Save on women\'s shoes, men\'s shoes, kid\'s shoes, boots, sandals, slippers, clothing and more! Shoebuy是互联网上最大的鞋类及相关服装零售商。Shoebuy与900多个厂商的建立伙伴关系,产品有70多万种,包括阿迪达斯、艾伦、埃德蒙兹、英国其乐、鳄鱼、爱步、斐乐、等世界顶级品牌。因其杰出服务而连续六年被BizRate评为美国顶级eTailers,而只有两家企业连续六获此殊荣;并被Hitwise评为网上十大访问量最大的服装及配饰分类商业网站。

    - 2015-06-18 - 收藏
  • ToryBurch官网


    Visit the official Tory Burch site for women\'s designer apparel, Tory Burch beauty & fragrance, womens shoes, handbags & accessories. Free shipping on orders over $300 at ToryBurch.com美国很受年轻人欢迎的时尚女装品牌之一,也是一个实际可行的奢侈生活方式品牌,源于经典的美国运动时装风格,充满了无拘无束的活力与感觉,产品主要有女装、包包、配饰及鞋靴,而其中最著名的就是它的双T LOGO的平底芭蕾舞鞋。www.toryburch.com

    - 2015-06-18 - 收藏
  • Sunglass Hut官网

    Sunglass Hut官网

    Shop designer sunglasses for men, women and kids from the most popular fashion brands at Sunglass Hut. Free Shipping on all orders!Sunglass Hut是一间国际化的太阳镜及太阳镜配件零售商,是全球最大的眼镜公司成员之一,Sunglass Hut的种类几乎囊括了所有太阳镜的品牌,例如巴宝莉,宝嘉丽,Dolce & Gabbana,古驰,普拉达,雷朋,蒂芙尼,范思哲等等,从时尚到运动再到传统类,应有尽有。

    - 2015-06-18 - 收藏
  • Soap官网


    Free 1-2 day shipping both ways, great prices & 365-day return policy. Shop Health & Beauty Products at Soap.com - Best 24/7 customer service. Soap作为美国在线专业婴儿用品供应商diapers的姊妹店,soap专卖各种日常生活用品。25,000多种任你选,从个人护理用品、沐浴用品、头发护理用品、化妆品、香水、维生素、到家庭用品一应俱全,日常生活所需的各种产品,你都能找得。www.soap.com

    - 2015-06-18 - 收藏
  • My Bag官网

    My Bag官网

    My Bag官网Save up to 40% off hundreds of designer handbags and accessories in the MyBag end of season sale. Free UK Delivery available.My Bag是一家专门经营包包的英国网站,网站的品牌很多,基本上热门的牌子都有。www.mybag.com

    - 2015-06-18 - 收藏
  • Ssense官网


    Shop leading designer brands online at SSENSE. A curated selection of men\'s and women\'s designer clothing, shoes and accessories.Ssense是一家加拿大的网站,产品包括许多品牌的服装,包包,鞋子及配饰等,主要出售D&G,Juicy Couture,MissSixty,G-Star,Diesel等精品服饰,虽不属于奢侈品,但质量、款式、设计都很棒,绝对都是有品味的品牌。www.ssense.com

    - 2015-06-18 - 收藏