不同于谷歌图片搜索,TinEye搜图不用关健字,只要复制URL地址或上传一张图片就可以找到风格、颜色等类似的图片。TinEye is a reverse image search engine built by Idée currently in beta. Give it an image and it will tell you where the image appears on the web.
- 2015-05-10 - 收藏Funny Google
想把谷歌的LOGO占为己有改名换姓?没问题,Funny Google让你想改啥名就改啥名,用自家搜索引擎的得瑟感油然而生。Funny-Google: The search engine like Google, but with your name on the logo
- 2015-05-10 - 收藏SmashFuse社交搜索
Smash Fuse从几乎所有的社交网络(Facebook,推特,Pinterest,Instagram,YouTube)上抓取、汇编搜索结果,让你对整个社交网络上的内容全盘掌握、一览无余。
- 2015-05-10 - 收藏云南人力资源和社会保障12333公共服务网
- 2015-05-04 - 收藏