GraffitiEuropa:德国涂鸦研究学会是一个由涂鸦艺术家组建的研究协会,会员包括来自德国、奥地利及瑞士的百名涂鸦艺术家。其创建目的是发扬街头涂鸦艺术,促进并组织合法化进行街头涂鸦,提供涂鸦业务及课程培训。Die Hauptseite der europaeischen Graffiti-Forschung! 80.000 Fotos im Archiv, Bildungsangebote, Ausstellungen, Sprayervermittlung und Studentenbetreuung. Eigene graffiti edition.www.graffitieuropa.org
- 2016-08-22 - 收藏中南大学信息门户登录
- 2016-08-20 - 收藏上海应用技术大学信息门户
上海应用技术大学信息门户my.sit.edu.cn如果您是第一次登录 1、用户名为本人工号或学号。工号一律为4位,与工资单上的工号相同。 2、初始密码如下: (1)、取15位身份证号码的后六位(如身份证号为3101018705212302,那密码为212302)。如果本人使用 18位身份证号码,则取倒数第七位至倒数第二位(如身份证号为310101198705212302,那密码为521230)。 (2)、如果正确输入了上述密码后,用户仍然不能登录系统,教工改用本人的工号做为密码,学生则 可改用学号(注意区分字母大小写)做为密码。 3、在验证码栏中输入右边的四位验证码。
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- 2016-08-13 - 收藏Dulwich College Beijing
Dulwich College Beijing is a British International school offering a curriculum based upon the English National Curriculum.www.dulwich-beijing.cn
- 2016-08-09 - 收藏SCIS官网
On behalf of the Shanghai Community International School (SCIS) and the Hangzhou International School (HIS), I welcome you to our website. Our intent is to maintain webpages and links that reflect the unique teaching and learning experiences at SCIS and HIS schools. While we have done our best to share our environment with you, SCIS and HIS schools are best experienced in person. Current and prospective SCIS and HIS parents are most welcome on our campuses and there are daily events and activ
- 2016-08-09 - 收藏