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- 2017-08-16 - 收藏BlueOnyx官网
BlueOnyx provides a fully-integrated Internet hosting platform that includes web, email, DNS and file transfer services from a simple, user-friendly web-based interface that is easily installed on commodity hardware or virtual private server.www.blueonyx.it
- 2017-08-16 - 收藏Easy Hosting Control Panel
Easy Hosting Control Panel | for Ubuntu and alikes...- Free Fast Opensource web hosting control panel for your server **www.ehcp.net
- 2017-08-16 - 收藏ZPanel | The free web hosting panel
ZPanel | The free web hosting panel www.zpanelcp.com Welcome to the official ZPanel website. ZPanel is a free and complete web hosting control panel for Microsoft® Windows™ and POSIX (Linux, UNIX and MacOSX) based servers. ZPanel is written in PHP and uses several open-source (or freely available) software packages to provide a secure, web hosting system. Learn more…
- 2017-08-16 - 收藏ISPConfig官网
Manage your Servers directly through your Browser. ISPConfig 3 is an open source panel for Linux which is capable of managing multiple servers from one control panel.www.ispconfig.org
- 2017-08-15 - 收藏宝信软件官网
上海宝信软件股份有限公司(简称“宝信软件”)系宝钢股份控股、中国宝武集团实际控制的软件企业,2001年4月于上海证券交易所上市,公司总部位于中国(上海)自由贸易试验区。 宝信软件秉承“IT服务,提升信息价值”的经营理念,凭借30多年的经验和技术积累,全面提供具有自主知识产权的企业信息化解决方案、自动化系统集成及运行维护服务。产品与服务业绩遍及钢铁、有色金属、装备制造、医药、化工、采掘、智能交通、金融、水利水务等多个行业。宝信软件累计已申请专利、软件著作权、技术秘密认定数百项,承担着国家发改委高新技术产业化示范项目、国家科技部863项目、国家工信部电子基金项目等诸多重大技术和产品项目。
- 2017-08-08 - 收藏