幽兰是法国贵族化的化妆品品牌,拥有欧洲几乎最大的实验基地。 今天,各个美容品牌设有一个研究室是很平常的事,但在六十年前,ORLANE却是少数拥有自己实验中心的品牌之一。 ORLANE之所以始终如一的强调雄厚扎实的美容理论,其实是有根源可循的。坚持能他人所不能,在二十一世纪的今天,当化妆品界正沸沸扬扬的大肆探讨美容和医学结合的观念,并以落实为骄傲时,其实早在六十年前,ORLANE便已经开发出具有医学理论为基础的保养品。悠久的历史,再加上以专业保养为目标,ORLANE今天的产品内容的确做到多而且丰富,可说面面俱到。Orlane Paris - Shop the complete line of skin care products: Cr猫me Royale, B21 and all anti-aging programs
- 2016-08-15 - 收藏广州美国人国际学校官网
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- 2016-08-09 - 收藏上海虹桥国际学校官网
Rainbow Bridge International School (RBIS) in Shanghai. International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP) from preschool to Grade Six students.Hong Qiao International School-上海虹桥国际学校www.rbischina.org
- 2016-08-09 - 收藏StreetScooter官网
StreetScooter是由德国的一位年轻工程学者坎普克(Achim Kampker)研发的一款模块化电动汽车,它可以根据需要增加、移除和复用模块零件,并采用“裸车销售、电池租赁”的营销策略。Die StreetScooter GmbH entwickelt seit Mitte 2010 neue Mobilitätskonzepte für Städte und Ballungszentren.www.streetscooter.eu
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- 2016-08-02 - 收藏国际编码网
国际编码网www.gs1.org The Global Language of Business. Business is easier when you speak the same language as your customers, suppliers and partners. We all do things our own way. But although these differences help define an organisation’s identity, they can cause problems when we work together. That’s where GS1 can help. No matter what success looks like for you, being able to identify, capture and share information is vital to achieving it. Our standards provide a common language throu
- 2016-07-27 - 收藏