
  • 中国仪器仪表行业协会



    - 2010-05-13 - 收藏
  • 中国仪器仪表学会


    中国仪器仪表学会(China Instrument and Control Society)简称CIS,是中国仪器仪表与测量控制科学技术工作者自愿组成并依法登记成立的学术性、公益性、非营利性社团法人,是党和国家联系仪器仪表与测量控制科技工作者的桥梁和纽带,是发展中国仪器仪表与测量控制科学技术事业的重要社会力量。

    - 2010-05-13 - 收藏
  • American Cotton Shippers' Association

    American Cotton Shippers' Association

    ACSA's member firms handle over 80% of the U.S. cotton sold in domestic and foreign markets.

    - 2010-05-11 - 收藏
  • ICAC(国际棉花咨询委员会)


    The ICAC(International Cotton Advisory Committee) is an association of governments of cotton producing, consuming and trading countries. The Committee was formed in 1939, and the Secretariat was established in 1946.

    - 2010-05-11 - 收藏
  • International Cotton Association(国际棉花协会)

    International Cotton Association(国际棉花协会)

    The ICA is the world's leading international cotton trade association and arbitral body. We carry more than 160 years of history and a clear mission for the future to protect the legitimate interests of all those involved in the cotton trade.

    - 2010-05-11 - 收藏
  • 中国毛纺织行业协会


    中国毛纺织行业协会(CHINA WOOL TEXTILE ASSOCIATION 缩写 CWTA)是中国毛纺行业的全国性社会团体,成立于1995年11月,并于1998年3月代表中国加入了国际毛纺织组织(IWTO)。

    - 2010-05-11 - 收藏
  • 中国纺织科学研究院



    - 2010-05-11 - 收藏
  • 中国眼镜协会


    中国眼镜协会(英文名:CHINA OPTOMETRIC AND OPTICAL ASSOCIATION,缩写为:COOA)成立于1985年,是眼镜行业唯一的全国性行业组织。她由中国眼镜生产、验光配镜,贸易、科研、教学等单位自愿组成的社团法人组织。现有会员1000多家。协会下设:眼镜架、眼镜片及毛坯、角膜接触镜、设备仪器、验光配镜、质量检测和科学教育七个专业委员会,各专业委员会根据协会的委托开展专业活动。

    - 2010-05-11 - 收藏
  • Van Cleef and Arpels(梵克雅宝)

    Van Cleef and Arpels(梵克雅宝)

    An inside look at the legendary Parisian jeweler: Learn about Van Cleef & Arpel's history, craftsmanship and love of exceptional stones. Browse classic and contemporary fine jewelry collections such as Alhambra, Bridal, Frivole, Boutonniere, and Hawaii.

    - 2010-05-10 - 收藏
  • CHANEL(香奈儿)


    Enter the world of CHANEL and discover the latest in Fashion & Accessories, Eyewear, Fragrance & Beauty, Fine Jewelry & Watches.

    - 2010-05-10 - 收藏