MR PORTER是英国一个专营男装的大型购物网站,于2011年2月正式上线,总部设在伦敦,在伦敦、纽约和中国香港均设有配送中心。入驻该网站的有包括Gucci、Givenchy、Burberry、Lanvin、Alexander McQueen、Dolce&Gabbana、Richard James、John Lobb、Valextra等在内的全球著名设计师品牌。MR PORTER is the global online retail destination for men’s style. Shop from over 180 of the world’s leading brands and enjoy expert weekly editorial content www.mrporter.com
- 2016-08-30 - 收藏Ted Baker官网
Ted Baker的成功秘诀在于更为大胆的诠释、对卓越品质的不懈追求、对细节一丝不苟的关注以及独特的英式幽默,融成别具一格的Ted Baker风格,自然不落俗套。1988年,衬衫专家Ted Baker在伦敦创办同名时尚品牌;如今,公司产品更趋丰富,涵盖男装、女装、香氛、腕表、行李箱等众多领域,为生命中的每一处细节带来狂放不羁的色彩。旗下专营店遍布世界各地。
- 2016-08-30 - 收藏MatchesFashion官网
MatchesFashion是所有潮人钟情的英国奢侈时尚商品零售商。MatchesFashion有着超过20年在奢侈品行业的经历,在伦敦拥有11间精品店。从国际品牌Alexander McQueen和Balenciaga,到时尚新宠伊Isabel Marant,只要是顶级时尚商品,都可以在该网站上找到。Matchesfashion.com 目前销往140个国家和地区,销售包括Saint Laurent、Balenciaga、Chloé、Isabel Marant、Gucci、Dolce & Gabbana、Stella McCartney、Max Mara 在内的400个知名设计师品牌及传统奢侈品品牌产品。MATCHESFASHION.COM offer the latest designer fashion from over 400 designer brands including Alexander McQueen, Isabel Marant, Balenciaga and Saint Laurent.
- 2016-07-29 - 收藏AllSaints官网
AllSaints是一家在英国成立的零售时尚服装品牌,其服饰尖锐个性,以黑、灰、棕、白等柔和色系为主,被时尚评论家称为“英国别致的摇滚乐”,并且引发了一股英国式复古风潮。该品牌主要销售男装、女装、鞋类和配饰等。Shop our seasonal collections for men and women. Discover new Lookbooks, music and film. Free delivery on orders over £200 and free UK returns.www.allsaints.com
- 2016-07-29 - 收藏Sophos官网
The Next Thing in Next-Gen. Enterprise Firewall and Endpoint Protection, Cloud-Based Security, UTM Appliances, Mobile EMM, Web and Email Gateway Security, WiFi Access Points, Network Storage and Server Virtualization Solutions for Business, Channel and OEM Technology Partners. Sophos is Security Made Simple.
- 2016-03-07 - 收藏THE OUTNET颇特莱斯官网
With 250+ luxury designer brands at amazing prices, shopping at THE OUTNET is guaranteed to take your style to the next level!颇特莱斯,折上再7折,限时24小时抢购! 超200个国际品牌等您挑,超2000件商品等您选!限时折上7折特惠,不容错过。精选时尚单品低价拥有,热力折扣勿容错过!品.. 每周新品上架 - 设计师品牌列表 - 立即注册享会员资讯 www.theoutnet.com
- 2016-02-20 - 收藏31PhillipLim菲利林官网
菲利林3.1(3.1 Phillip Lim)时尚品牌是由华裔美籍设计师林能平在2005年创建,经过短短几年时间的发展,如今的3.1 Phillip Lim已经在全美有250个销售点,遍布26个国家,深多众多国际明星的追捧。Shop the official 3.1 Phillip Lim site for men\'s & women\'s ready to wear collections, shoes, handbags, accessories, & more. Enjoy free shipping.
- 2015-12-02 - 收藏Unineed折扣网
英国一家名品折扣网站,以销售各大奢侈品品牌为主,包括大家耳熟能详的迪奥、古驰、香奈儿、范思哲、普拉达、阿玛尼等,还有很多热门品牌,如:Calvin Klein, Marc Jacobs,兰蔻,雅诗兰黛,希思黎等。网站常年有折扣活动,力度很给力,是个淘大牌的好地方。Unineed - enjoy more for less is an online fashion and beauty retailer and offers on the Unineed.com website over 150 Premium brands and thousands of products across Skincare, make up, fragrance, Luxury Handbags, watches, sunglasses and other accessories
- 2015-11-21 - 收藏Cole Haan官网
Shop ColeHaan.com for our collection of Shoes, Leather Bags, Accessories and Outerwear for Men, Women and Kids. Cole Haan
- 2015-11-15 - 收藏Canada Goose官网
Canada Goose官网www.canada-goose.com Canada Goose extreme weather outerwear made in Canada since 1957. Parkas, coats, shells, jackets, bibs, pants, gloves, mittens and hats .
- 2015-11-14 - 收藏