QT Luong stock photos and fine art prints
Extensive on-line galleries of travel, adventure, landscape, and nature photography by QT Luong, featuring thousands of pictures, available as fine art prints or for image licencing.www.terragalleria.com
- 2016-02-18 - 收藏Incogna Image Search
Incogna is an image search engine that organizes its images by content; when you click on an image, it will find similar looking images.www.incogna.com
- 2016-02-18 - 收藏TinEye识图搜索
TinEye is a reverse image search engine. Search by image: Give it an image and it will tell you where the image appears on the web.www.tineye.com
- 2016-02-18 - 收藏中国教育学会安全教育实验区申请网
中国教育学会安全教育实验区申请网站xagc.safetree.com.cn申报条件: 1、当地教育局领导重视安全教育,支持安全教育实验区各项工作; 2、辖区学校具备“班班通”的信息化条件; 3、确保将安全教育课时列入课表; 4、确保在信息化平台上开展安全教育常态化教学; 5、将安全教育纳入对学校和班主任的工作考核; 6、有开展安全教育实验的经费支持; 7、接受中国教育学会的相关管理并执行本办法的各项规定。详细咨询请致电全国服务电话:400-711-1010。
- 2016-01-23 - 收藏