East Dane官网
East Dane, a subsidiary of Amazon, the global online retail destination offering more than 125 designer brands and Fast Free Shipping Worldwide。 East Dane是Shopbop.com 的兄弟网站且同属于Amazon旗下,是一家专业提供男士服饰的时尚购物网站。它融合了东部沿海前卫时尚风格与中西部简约时尚理念,提供传统品牌及新兴品牌,提升顾客的衣着品味,着力打造休闲时尚风格,受到许多追求品味而不盲从潮流的男士青睐。www.eastdane.com
- 2015-06-18 - 收藏Amaze UI官网
Amaze UI 是一个移动优先的跨屏前端框架。Amaze UI | 中国首个开源 HTML5 跨屏前端框架 | Amaze UI amazeui.org
- 2015-05-21 - 收藏OBEY CLOTHING官网
Obey,品牌全名叫Obey Giant。设计师喜欢收集贴字、海报,曾以一名摔角手’Andre the Grant’的样貌作贴字、贴满整个街头而广受欢迎,因而取其名作品牌名字。轻便的街头服饰以摇滚及Hip Hop乐手作设计灵感,款式包括卫衣、tee及阔身裤子。The official OBEY Clothing website. A mix of progressive design, classic street wear, and apparel basics. Based on the design of artist and designer Shepard Fairey.
- 2015-04-24 - 收藏peter alexander官网
Peter Alexander, Australias leading sleepwear designer brand, offering a wide range of sleepwear. Shop womens, mens and kids pyjamas online or in store.
- 2015-04-24 - 收藏