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- 2022-06-02 - 收藏English Language (ESL) Learning Online
Resources to learn the English language for ESL, EFL, ESOL, and EAP students and teachers. Browse our Glossary of Terms, join our busy forums, download our free language software, read our articles and teacher handouts, and find useful links and information on English here.
- 2015-10-25 - 收藏Icon Archive图标搜索引擎
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- 2014-09-21 - 收藏TODAYonline新加坡今日报
新加坡《今日报》(Today)是新加坡全国性的每日免费小报,创刊于2000年,采用英文报道,平日发行量约70万份,读者覆盖青年、专业管理人员等几乎所有社会各界人士。Get the latest news from Singapore, Asia-Pacific and the world. Enjoy our news, commentaries, features, reviews, blogs and multimedia content on home news, politics, business, sports, technology, health, travel, movies, music, motoring, food and more.
- 2014-07-07 - 收藏Korea Film Center
Korea Film Archive, 한국영상자료원 韩国电影中心,提供韩、英双语版本。网站主要内容包括:影像资料院介绍、韩国电影史介绍、电影相关活动报道、电影数据库等。
- 2014-02-16 - 收藏SimplytheBest Free Fonts
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- 2010-03-12 - 收藏