CENS.com|China Economic News Service
Looking for the information concerning the latest development trends and supplies capabilities of Taiwan\'s export industries? Here is the largest suppliers\' online information database in Taiwan. CENS.com is a leading export-oriented service that brings together global buyers and Greater China suppliers, with clearly-laid-out web pages and sites that point the way to a wide range of products covering eight basic categories, including Auto Parts & Accessories, Machinery, Hardware, Furniture, Li
- 2013-07-05 - 收藏JobsDB
JobsDB is the largest Interactive Recruitment Network across Asia - Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan & USA. Offering job search & posting, career tips & human resources solution to job seekers, corporate employers & recruiters.
- 2011-07-08 - 收藏CareerTimes
Providing a comprehensive job database and career info, salary surveys, recruitment market news and information on continuing education courses, careertimes.com.hk, established by Hong Kong Economic Times Limited, is a leading job site in Hong Kong.
- 2011-07-08 - 收藏特百惠(Tupperware)
全球著名家居用品品牌,总部设在美国佛罗里达州奥兰多市。超过70年历史,全球70 多家分公司。在15 个国家设立了生产基地,如美国、法国、澳大利亚、韩国、中国等。已推出8000余种产品,畅销全球100多个国家和地区。致力于设计实用与美观相结合的优质产品,为消费者提供食物保鲜、制备、烹饪、储藏、盛餐、清洁等系列的产品。
- 2011-04-14 - 收藏SPB Software for smartphones
SPB Software for Windows Mobile (Pocket PC, Smartphone, PDA), Symbian, iPhone, Android.
- 2010-12-21 - 收藏Rare Jewelry(芮雅珠宝)
- 2010-05-10 - 收藏