Cute Editor
Cute Editor for ASP.NET is the most powerful WYSIWYG browser-based Online HTML Editor for ASP.NET. It enables ASP.NET Web developers to replace any textbox with an intuitive Word-like WYSIWYG html editor.
- 2011-10-14 - 收藏CKEditor
CKEditor is a text editor to be used inside web pages. It's a WYSIWYG editor, which means that the text being edited on it looks as similar as possible to the results users have when publishing it. It brings to the web common editing features found on desktop editing applications like Microsoft Word and OpenOffice.
- 2011-10-14 - 收藏KindEditor
KindEditor是一套开源的在线HTML编辑器,主要用于让用户在网站上获得所见即所得编辑效果,开发人员可以用 KindEditor 把传统的多行文本输入框(textarea)替换为可视化的富文本输入框。KindEditor 使用 JavaScript 编写,可以无缝地与 Java、.NET、PHP、ASP 等程序集成,比较适合在 CMS、商城、论坛、博客、Wiki、电子邮件等互联网应用上使用。
- 2011-10-14 - 收藏Tangram(七巧板)
抽象出细粒度的 JavaScript 接口,你可以基于她快速构建出高度互动的 Web 应用程序,简单而且高效,这就是Tangram,一个中国最具潜力的 Web 前端开发框架!
- 2011-10-14 - 收藏CareerTimes
Providing a comprehensive job database and career info, salary surveys, recruitment market news and information on continuing education courses,, established by Hong Kong Economic Times Limited, is a leading job site in Hong Kong.
- 2011-07-08 - 收藏福田(Futaste)
- 2011-05-09 - 收藏芝华士(Chivas)
1801年成立于苏格兰阿柏丁的芝华士公司,是全世界最早生产调和威士忌并将其推向市场的威士忌生产商,同时也是威士忌三重调和的创造者。出于对威士忌事业的无比沉醉,芝华士兄弟遍访欧美大陆,成为最早发现威士忌酿制秘密的先驱。创始人James Chivas坚持认为保持品牌口味的一贯性是品牌的魅力所在,并开始创造有一贯质量保证的调和型威士忌。就这样,其品牌“芝华士”诞生于十九世纪九十年代。
- 2011-05-03 - 收藏Chivas(芝华士)
Blended and aged Scotch whisky. Includes history and blending information.
- 2011-05-03 - 收藏王朝(Dynasty)
- 2011-05-02 - 收藏