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- 2016-12-12 - 收藏National Rail Enquiries
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- 2016-11-22 - 收藏Fabulous.com - Expert Tools for Domainers
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- 2016-11-08 - 收藏Asgardia官网
Asgardia is the prototype of a free and unrestricted society which holds knowledge, intelligence and science at its core along with the recognition of the ultimate value of each human life.asgardia.space这个项目旨在保护地球免受小行星的毁灭性撞击。从今以后,地球上又多了一个“国家”——“太空国家”。这支团队的领导者是航空国际研究中心的创立者Igor Ashurbeyli,项目旨在利用最先进科学技术创造一个保护全人类的屏障,阻挡来自太空的人为或自然的威胁。
- 2016-10-17 - 收藏