Meeting Professionals International (MPI), the meeting and event industry’s most vibrant global community, helps its members thrive by providing human connections to knowledge and ideas, relationships, and marketplaces.
- 2010-04-24 - 收藏IDG(美国国际数据集团)
IDG is the world's leading technology media, events and research company. Since its founding in 1964, IDG has been committed to helping people acquire and use technology successfully.
- 2010-04-20 - 收藏International Monetary Fund(国际货币基金组织)
IMF Home page with links to News, About the IMF, Fund Rates, IMF Publications, What's New, Standards and Codes, Country Information and featured topics.
- 2010-04-14 - 收藏Yahoo! Babel Fish
Yahoo! Babel Fish provides free online text and web page language translation tools!
- 2010-03-25 - 收藏Google Analytics
Google Analytics is the enterprise-class web analytics solution that gives you rich insights into your website traffic and marketing effectiveness.
- 2010-03-23 - 收藏NewWebPick
NWP, a international digital designer union and a community of international digital designers, is one globe designing information focusing on the digital designin.We include and recommend the most excellent digital designer throughout the world.
- 2010-03-13 - 收藏Interior Design
Interior Design Magazine offers the latest interior design trends, ideas, contemporary architecture and design news.
- 2010-03-11 - 收藏