We're an instant advisory board of the heads of social media at the world's biggest brands. Here you can share with experienced executives who understand both the internal and external challenges you're facing. You need a generous, vendor-free group of peers who do what you do -- and want to help. You've already got the research, trade associations, vendors, and agencies -- but what you're missing is the been-there, done-that experience from peers. We're the group
- 2013-10-11 - 收藏Buysku购物网
Buysku.com是一家致力于电子产品和相关配件零售与开发以及为客户提供代发货、代生产等服务的大型B2C电子商务平台。便捷的购买流程以及周到的服务确保您能有个安全和愉快的购物。我们可以确保在同类型网站找不到比我们价格更有优势的,并且质量绝对可靠。BuySKU.com is an professional and reliable online shopping store for apple accessories, android cell phones, Tablet PC, magic cubes and other hot selling electronics gadgets at reasonable prices and global free shipping.
- 2013-09-27 - 收藏EdxOnline教育平台www.edxonline.org
EdxOnline:免费在线教育平台是由MIT公司和哈佛远程教育合并创办的在线教育平台EDX,提供跨领域、高标准的免费课程、实验创新的教学技术。整个项目将接受一家非盈利组织的监督。EdX a non-profit created by Harvard and MIT brings the best of higher education to students of all ages anywhere in the world via the internet with free MOOCs.
- 2013-09-18 - 收藏