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- 2016-09-24 - 收藏Thestar多伦多星报官网
hestar:多伦多星报是加拿大多伦多星报官方网站,多伦多星报是加拿大发行量最大的英文报纸,归加拿大星岛传媒集团所有。Thestar.com is Canada's largest online news site. Stay current with sports, business, entertainment news and more from the Toronto Star.www.thestar.com
- 2016-08-26 - 收藏Canvanizer
Canvanizer:在线商业模式头脑风暴制作工具是一个由德国团队开发的致力于商业模式团队集体讨论的头脑风暴画布工具,旨在帮助用户集思广益创作更加有创意的项目,汇集集体的智慧生成直观的思维效果图,不管是拿给上司看还是给客户看都有非常直观的视觉效果。Create your visual business model or SWOT model with Canvanizer, business brainstorming blackboard, modelling tools canvanizer.com
- 2016-08-22 - 收藏广州美国人国际学校官网
广州美国人国际学校官网American International School of Guangzhou, AISG Thank you for your interest in the American International School of Guangzhou. As you navigate this website, I am confident that you will see that each division within the school provides students with numerous opportunities, inside and outside of the classroom, to meet their developmental needs. More importantly, I hope you get the sense of the heart of AISG, for we believe it is what sets it apart from other schools and makes it such
- 2016-08-09 - 收藏昆山加拿大国际学校官网
Canadian International School Kunshan (CISK) 昆山加拿大国际学校 Founded in 2012, Canadian International School Kunshan (CISK) is affiliated with St. John’s Kilmarnock School (SJK), a prestigious IB World school in Ontario, Canada. Located in Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, CISK is the first licensed international school by Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education, and is the only international school in Kunshan city.
- 2016-08-09 - 收藏中加枫华国际学校官网
中加枫华国际学校官网www.sinocanada.cn中加枫华国际学校:华东最悠久、面积最大、外教最优、毕业生最多、西式课程最丰富国际学校,创建于2003年,是经中、加两国教育主管部门批准,华东地区唯一 一所能够同时向中国学生和国际学生提供加拿大中学课程和学历教育的国际学校。学校占地300亩,建筑面积近8万平方米,学校设有幼儿园、小学、初中、高中四大学部,BC课程质量连续5年蝉联所有BC海外学校第一名。
- 2016-08-09 - 收藏