1Z实验室 - Make Things Easy
1Z实验室 Make Things Easy. 致力于在机器人+计算机视觉+人工智能的重叠区域, 制作小白友好的教程. 目前已推出教程:MicroPython-ESP32教程,PyESPCar,二自由度云台人脸追踪,Python-OpenCV基础入门, OpenCV人脸检测, OpenCV色块识别, OpenCV激光十字识别, 手写数字视觉专题,Linux快速入门。www.1zlab.com
- 2019-10-07 - 收藏CapitalWatch
CapitalWatch, founded in Silicon Valley in 2017, is dedicated to delivering breaking news, market analysis, and economic insights focused on Chinese companies trading on the U.S. equity markets. With an international network of senior market and business reporters, CapitalWatch provides the news, background, data, and perspective needed for intelligent investing.
- 2019-09-27 - 收藏