
  • SocialMarker


    Social Marker makes social bookmarking of websites an easier process.

    - 2011-04-03 - 收藏
  • Delicious


    Keep, share, and discover the best of the Web using Delicious, the world's leading social bookmarking service.

    - 2011-04-03 - 收藏
  • Netvouz


    Netvouz is a social bookmarking service that allows you to save your favorite links online and access them from any computer, wherever you are.

    - 2011-04-03 - 收藏
  • CAST


    Opportunities for individuals with disabilities through the development of and innovative uses of technology.

    - 2010-06-23 - 收藏
  • American Coatings Association

    American Coatings Association

    The American Coatings Association (ACA) advances the needs of the paint and coatings industry through advocacy and programs that support environmental protection, product stewardship, health, safety, and the advancement of science and technology.

    - 2010-06-11 - 收藏
  • 中国国际腐蚀控制网


    经国务院同意,中国化工防腐蚀技术协会已于2004年8月19日正式在国家民政部登记注册更名为中国工业防腐蚀技术协会(简称中国防腐蚀协会),英文名为 CHINA INDUSTRY ANTICORROSION TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATION(缩写CIATA)。中国化工防腐蚀技术协会成立于1985年,是以石油和化学工业为主、工业企业为主、应用技术为主的面向国内外的技术性、专业性和行业性的国家级社会法人团体,履行国家赋予的“行业管理、技术交流、书刊编辑、业务培训、专业展览、咨询服务”等职责。

    - 2010-06-08 - 收藏
  • Lancia(蓝旗亚)



    - 2010-05-23 - 收藏
  • International Cotton Association(国际棉花协会)

    International Cotton Association(国际棉花协会)

    The ICA is the world's leading international cotton trade association and arbitral body. We carry more than 160 years of history and a clear mission for the future to protect the legitimate interests of all those involved in the cotton trade.

    - 2010-05-11 - 收藏
  • 中国服装协会


    中国服装协会(China National Garment Association,CNGA)成立于1991年,是中国服装业自律性、非营利性、全国性行业组织,民政部首批评估4A级全国性行业协会。中国服装协会以推动中国服装产业发展为宗旨,为政府、行业、社会提供与服装业相关的各种服务。

    - 2010-05-04 - 收藏
  • 中国饮料工业协会


    中国饮料工业协会(英文名称“China Beverage Industry Association” 简称:CBIA)成立于1993年,是饮料行业及相关企业、事业单位自愿参加的非营利性、全国性社团组织,是经民政部批准的国家一级协会。

    - 2010-05-02 - 收藏