八戒城市,云端服务平台city.zbj.com重庆猪八戒网络有限公司,作为中国领先的服务众包平台,自2006年成立以来,始终立足服务交易,致力让天下人享受诚信服务,助力中小微企业的成长与发展。 服务涵盖平面设计、开发建站、营销推广、文案策划、动画视频、工业设计、建筑设计、装修设计,八大主打类目,六百细分品类,为创业者提供一站式的企业全生命周期服务。
- 2016-07-18 - 收藏CITYPASS官网
CITYPASS,中文称作为城市通票、或城市景点套票,简称为\"城市通\",是世界各主要旅游城市,为方便游客在最短的时间、最有效地体验当地的旅游项目,特意推出地为博物馆、交通、体验项目等打包、并实行整体价格优惠的通票套餐项目。Save time and money on the best attractions with a CityPASS® prepaid ticket booklet. Available for 12 great destinations, including New York, Southern California, Chicago, Atlanta, Seattle, Houston, San Francisco, Dallas, Toronto, Boston, Philadelphia, and Tampa Bay.www.citypass.com
- 2016-06-08 - 收藏the City of Mobile, Alabama
Welcome to the City of Mobile, Alabama www.cityofmobile.org Welcome to the City of Mobile, Alabama Mayor Stimpson presents State of the City Address Mayor Stimpson Presents State of the City Address Learn More City Council and Mayor Stimpson Meet the... www.cityofmobile.org
- 2015-11-13 - 收藏UAH - The University of Alabama in Huntsville
The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) is a public co-educational, state-supported research university within The University of Alabama System. UAH was founded as part of the University of Alabama in 1950 and became an autonomous campus within the UA System in 1969.
- 2015-11-13 - 收藏GAMECITY | コーエーテクモゲームス
コーエーテクモゲームスのお届けするエンターテインメント情報満載サイト GAMECITY【ゲームシティ】GAMECITY | コーエーテクモゲームス www.gamecity.ne.jp
- 2015-11-08 - 收藏Vatican Tours梵蒂冈旅游公司
梵蒂冈旅游公司(Vatican Tour Company)是位于意大利罗马专营梵蒂冈旅游业务的旅行社(梵蒂冈是教皇国,该国境内没有任何公司,其旅游业务基本由罗马的各大旅行社包揽)。该公司除了敬业梵蒂冈的旅游路线之外,还提供一些罗马城市的旅游服务,部分旅游路线将梵蒂冈和罗马之旅打包销售,主要接待个人和团体的旅游,较少涉及商务服务。网站语言为英语。We specialise in small and private tours around Rome, including Vatican Tours, Sistine Chapel, St Peter Basilica, Colosseum and more...discover Rome without the queues!
- 2015-10-29 - 收藏比利时伯尔尼旅游官方网站
The official website of Berne tourism, with practical information about journey, accommodations, objects of interest, means of transport, meetings, restaurant, buying and much more.www.bern.com
- 2015-10-25 - 收藏Gilt City官网
美国知名的奢侈品在线折扣商,为纽约公司Gilt Groupe旗下团购网,于2010年4月推出,它以优惠价提供专属商品的折扣或者体验机会。Gilt City像一个更专注奢侈品的Groupon。Welcome to Gilt City, the local lifestyle site from Gilt Groupe that offers memorable adventures and exclusive offers, all at insider prices. Gilt City will help you to Love Your City More.
- 2015-06-05 - 收藏