百川广告系统www.bcdata.com.cn百川科技成立于2013年,从事精准营销及数字营销解决方案供应商,旨在提升媒体广告价值,帮忙广告主锁定目标受众人群。 公司聚合了互联网技术、广告营销等业界专家,其技术团队大部分来自于阿里、百度等互联网公司,在互联网广告技术、数据挖掘、目标受众精细分类、智能匹配广告等方面有着丰富的开发经验。依托功能强大的精准广告投放管理平台、提升媒体收益的数据管理平台、媒体广告位优化的供应方管理平台,整合运用多种互联网营销工具和技术为广告主提供从全案的互动营销到互联网品牌推广、互联网效果营销、流量价值提供等多种专业细分的互动营销服务。
- 2014-02-27 - 收藏Kontera广告联盟
Kontera's Content Marketing Platform understands and activates the world's content, proving content marketing, social marketing, and actionable analytics www.kontera.com
- 2013-12-28 - 收藏200Please.com
Free website uptime and performance monitoring. Historical data available for 3031528 top domains www.200please.com
- 2013-10-20 - 收藏CareerTimes
Providing a comprehensive job database and career info, salary surveys, recruitment market news and information on continuing education courses, careertimes.com.hk, established by Hong Kong Economic Times Limited, is a leading job site in Hong Kong.
- 2011-07-08 - 收藏IDG(美国国际数据集团)
IDG is the world's leading technology media, events and research company. Since its founding in 1964, IDG has been committed to helping people acquire and use technology successfully.
- 2010-04-20 - 收藏SecurityFocus
SecurityFocus is the most comprehensive and trusted source of security information on the Internet.
- 2010-03-26 - 收藏