My China Interpreter
If you need a China interpreter or China tour guide, you've come to the right place. We also provide product sourcing and business assistance when visiting your manufacturers.www.mychinainterpreter.com
- 2019-04-24 - 收藏Coco's Beijing tours
Coco with their team are a fully licensed Beijing guide , very reliable, experienced and thoughtful. Feel free to email us for Beijing tours in Beijing Coco\'s Beijing tours - Beijing Private Tour Guide, Beijing Tours
- 2019-04-24 - 收藏Chinatourguide
China Tour, China Travel Agency- chinatourguide.com offers most value & amazing experience, is your one-stop gateway for china tour and guide to everything you need to know about China and travel to China
- 2019-04-24 - 收藏beijingtourguide
Professional Chinese tour guides Beijing tour guide services,We are not only provide English tour guide service, but also provide Spanish, Italian,Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, French, German, Chinese speaking guide service
- 2019-04-24 - 收藏tour guide alliance of China
TOUR GUIDE ALLIANCE OF CHINA was found in 2005.We are a group of different language tour guides,such as English Speaking tour guides , French Speaking,Russian Speaking,Italian speaking,Japanese speaking,Korean speaking,and Spanish speaking.Our tour guides distribute all over China more than 20 cities – we can organize Bejing Tour ,Shanghai Tour ,Xian Tour ,Hangzhou Tour ,Guizhou Tour ,Yunnan Tour Tibet Tour etc. We are a lawful travel service which belongs to China Travel Service ((License Number L-BJ-CJ00539).
- 2019-04-24 - 收藏昆明市义务教育阶段入学报名系统
昆明市义务教育阶段招生入学系统https://student.kmyzw.cn/昆明市主城区小学一年级招生入学工作将于4月10日至14日进行现场信息确认,请广大家长及时查看相关信息,提前准备好现场确认所需要材料,合理安排确认时间,感谢大家的理解和支持!咨询电话 昆明市:0871-63135518 五华区:0871-64193662 盘龙区:0871-63163940 官渡区:0871-67176664 西山区:0871-68226231 呈贡区:0871-67478393 高新区:0871-68155183 度假区:0871-68093847 经开区:0871-68163065
- 2019-04-23 - 收藏同等学力考试成绩查询系统
同等学力考试成绩查询系统http://www.chinadegrees.cn/xwyyjsjyxx/zzgs/tdxltk/注意: 1.本系统提供2007年(含)以来的同等学力考试成绩查询; 2.有违规行为的考生无法查询到考试成绩; 3.广西借考考生由于未纳入信息平台管理,因此无法通过此页面查询成绩,请联系广西学位办查询。 4.若忘记考号,可通过如下方式找回: 全国移动、联通和电信手机用户,发送“AKC”到1066335577; 然后按系统回复的短信提示操作。 系统可以查询2007年至2018年同等学力全国统考考号。(每条短信1元,不含通信费;客服电话:010-82296900)
- 2019-03-20 - 收藏MJ12Bot官网
MJ12Bot | Home | from Majestic https://mj12bot.com Majestic is a UK based specialist search engine used by hundreds of thousands of businesses in 13 languages and over 60 countries to paint a map of the Internet independent of the consumer based search engines. Majestic also powers other legitimate technologies that help to understand the continually changing fabric of the web.
- 2019-03-15 - 收藏