Craig Redman & Karl Maier live in different parts of the world but collaborate daily to create bold work that is filled with simple messages executed in a thoughtful and often humorous way.www.craigandkarl.com
- 2015-10-25 - 收藏Frenchrevue时尚杂志网
FrenchRevue:法国时尚杂志报道是法国的一个时尚界杂志信息汇总网站,发布时尚界最新动态和最新资讯,要想了解时尚界的最新动态,该网站是必须收藏的网站之一。FRENCH Revue de Modes, French Magazine’s Latest news with Fashion features, beautiful pictures, interviews, news, people and celebrities from culture, art, cinema, photography, video, music, must-have,
- 2015-10-24 - 收藏Fashion Brands
Offers Italian fashion, such as womens clothing, mens clothing, swimwear, womens shoes, mens shoes from designers like Gucci, Prada, Armani, Dolce & Gabbana, Fendi, Armani, Tod\'s, Versace and many more
- 2015-10-24 - 收藏Bluefly官网
Find designer clothes at discount prices at Bluefly. Buy designer handbags, designer shoes, designer dresses, designer jewelry and more from brands like Prada, Fendi, Gucci and Ralph Lauren.Bluefly是美国顶尖折扣时尚购物网,是一家专门销售打折名牌服饰、包包和其他时尚用品的大型网站,也是设计师品牌、流行趋势和卓越价值的领先在线零售商,bluefly通过网络购物以25%~75%的折扣销售名牌过季产品以及新锐/无名设计师的品牌。顶尖时尚的设计,优惠的价格,不定期的优惠活动,深受青年一族的喜爱。www.bluefly.com
- 2015-06-18 - 收藏ToryBurch官网
Visit the official Tory Burch site for women\'s designer apparel, Tory Burch beauty & fragrance, womens shoes, handbags & accessories. Free shipping on orders over $300 at ToryBurch.com美国很受年轻人欢迎的时尚女装品牌之一,也是一个实际可行的奢侈生活方式品牌,源于经典的美国运动时装风格,充满了无拘无束的活力与感觉,产品主要有女装、包包、配饰及鞋靴,而其中最著名的就是它的双T LOGO的平底芭蕾舞鞋。www.toryburch.com
- 2015-06-18 - 收藏Lord and Taylor官网
Lord and Taylor: Designer Clothing, Shoes, Handbags, Accessories & More Lord & Taylor(罗德与泰勒百货)创建于1826年,是一家总部位于美国纽约第五大道的高档百货商店,从男女各类服装,儿童服装到珠宝首饰、鞋靴,各类家具用品及包包、化妆品等一应俱全。www.lordandtaylor.com
- 2015-06-18 - 收藏Juicy Couture官网
Juicy Couture是来自美国加州的时尚品牌,产品包括:女装、运动休闲服饰、手链、腕表、少女服饰、童装、包包、香水、宠物服饰、男士服饰等。Juicy Couture女装强调舒适与时尚并重,掀起奢华感运动风。其设计有趣、实用且富有运动感,强调舒适与时尚并重;色彩或光鲜明艳,或淡逸自然,让你无时无刻都能感受到青春活力。Shop the official Juicy Couture online store for the latest glamorous designer clothing and accessories for women and girls. Free shipping and returns!www.juicycouture.com
- 2015-06-05 - 收藏pozible众筹网
Pozible is a crowdfunding platform and community for creative projects and ideas. Developed for artists, musicians, filmmakers, journalists, designers, entrepreneurs, inventors, event organisers, software developers and all other creative minded people to raise funds and make awesome things possible.
- 2015-02-19 - 收藏