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- 2016-07-21 - 收藏iAppAd移动广告聚合平台
- 2016-07-04 - 收藏BTU Heat meter,UPS VRAL Battery,Gear,Bearing,Shaft,Gear pump,Hydraulic motor
Gaoersi supply hydraulic pump,valve,motor;Gear,bearing,shaft;Steel wheel,nut,bolt,screw;UPS lead-acid battery;BTU heat meter,water meter,gas meter
- 2016-06-17 - 收藏Pixie Market官网
Pixie Market是一家汇集各种时尚品牌服饰的商店,纽约曼哈顿第五大道有它们的实体店,它们出售服饰,鞋子,包包,配饰等,所有服饰走随性、甜美、时尚的服饰风格,尤其它们的单品搭配,看似简单,但却让人无法不爱。并且大部分时装每个尺码只有一件!所以不会让你的穿着出现雷同,烂大街的情况。现在很多网络红人,时尚博主,当红欧美明星,国内明星都会选择它们的衣服! Shop the latest styles and fresh new arrivals. From trendy clothes, cute dresses, sweaters, shoes & accessories www.pixiemarket.com
- 2016-06-08 - 收藏Dorothy Perkins官网
Dorothy Perkins成立于1909年,起初品牌命名为H. P. Newman,后在1919年改名为Dorothy Perkins,现在是英国国内最大的女性服装零售商,在英国有超过600家店。主要针对25-35岁的女性。拥有近600家英国专卖店和超过50家国际卖场。商店每周上新,也支持网上销售。Dorothy Perkins品牌拥有尺寸6到22的各种商品,包括针对高的,身材娇小的,妈妈类的女士提供内衣、鞋子、配件等物品。Dorothy Perkins主要提供价格适中的女性时尚购物体验,品牌在国内十分受欢迎。www.dorothyperkins.com
- 2016-06-08 - 收藏Variable frequency drives
Jiaozuo Huafei Electronic & Electric Co., Ltd. is the national high-tech enterprise and its technology center,company has been mainly engaged in the research and production of hoisting, transporting and automatic control complete equipment which is of safe, reliable and advanced technology such as AC, DC and frequency conversion hoister electric control device, mining in general and explosion-proof hoister, frequency conversion device of conveyor, multi-level mine hoisting signal device, stochas
- 2016-06-02 - 收藏