- 2015-11-25 - 收藏百度API Store官网
API Store,为开发者提供最全面的API服务,汇集了国内外应用开发所需要的Android API/SDK,IOS SDK,涉及设计开发,运维管理,云服务,app推广,数据服务等多个范畴的服务,旨在向开发者提供最全面,最便捷的API搜索服务。apistore.baidu.com
- 2015-11-25 - 收藏ADreplacer官网
ADreplacer 是一个基于谷歌Chrome浏览器的扩展插件,支持把所访问的网站上的广告替代为新闻内容,可以说是Adblock的升级版,Adblock工具仅仅是把网站上的广告屏蔽,而ADreplacer则是把广告取代为新闻内容。Ad Replacer hunts down those misleading ’sponsored\' boxes cluttering up your favorite websites, sending you where you DON\'T want to go, and replaces them with the latest breaking news stories and headlines, hand-curated by real people!www.adreplacer.net
- 2015-11-24 - 收藏ArtGraphica网站
ArtGraphica 网站是一个致力于提供优质的艺术教育和来自不同背景和年龄段的艺术家们的作品,主要涉及写生、素描、油画、铅笔、水彩、粉彩、亚克力、木炭、水墨和绘画理论课程等。For more than ten years artgraphica has provided a free education for art students and a great resource for teachers, helping educate artists of all ages and abilities to improve sketching drawing and painting skills.
- 2015-11-24 - 收藏DeepFlight蛟龙飞行潜艇官网
蛟龙号(Deepflight Dragon)是由世界著名的海洋工程师雷厄姆·霍克斯研发的一艘四轴推进双座飞行潜艇,造型像一架飞机,每个座位上都是安装有专属的气泡玻璃驾驶舱,给乘客带来无与伦比的浸入体验。DeepFlight produces the most advanced and highest performance personal submarines on the planet. You can fly with whales, do a barrel roll underwater, or simply explore the world beneath the waves – nothing else comes close.
- 2015-11-24 - 收藏