天气通中文官方网站iPhone|Symbian|Android|WindowsPhone天气预报 天气通是国内最早的专业手机天气软件,支持塞班(Symbian)、安卓(Android)、iOS(iPhone、iPad)和 WindowsPhone平台。首创的语音播报功能更使天气通一跃成为手机天气软件的里程碑,目前天气通邀请陈楚生、何洁、延参法师等名人明星语音播报。天气通全面的城市覆盖,支持国内2486个、国际600多个城市的实况、多日天气预报,可同时关注多个城市天气,支持多款经典桌面插件,支持空气污染指数、实时天气预警,首创语音播报和天气闹钟,支持温度趋势图和常用指数,并且与微博紧密结合支持天气分享到微博。天气通采用权威数据源信息可靠。
- 2013-09-04 - 收藏UNODC(联合国药品管制署)
UNODC is a global leader in the fight against illicit drugs and international crime. Established in 1997 through a merger between the United Nations Drug Control Programme and the Centre for International Crime Prevention, UNODC operates in all regions of the world through an extensive network of field offices. UNODC relies on voluntary contributions, mainly from Governments, for 90 per cent of its budget.
- 2011-11-23 - 收藏UNICEF(联合国儿基金组织)
The United Nations Children's Fund - UNICEF - works for children's rights, their survival, development and protection, guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
- 2011-11-21 - 收藏Children International(国际儿童组织)
Children International, a non-profit children's organization, helps fight poverty and helps needy children through our child sponsorship programs.
- 2011-11-12 - 收藏