
  • 瑞士驻华大使馆


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    - 2013-10-24 - 收藏
  • 美国驻华使馆网站


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    - 2013-10-24 - 收藏
  • American Society for Microbiology

    American Society for Microbiology

    The American Society for Microbiology (ASM) is the oldest and largest single life science membership organization in the world. Membership has grown from 59 scientists in 1899 to more than 39,000 members today, with more than one third located outside the United States. The members represent 26 disciplines of microbiological specialization plus a division for microbiology educators.美国微生物学会(American Society for Microbiology,简称ASM),是生命科学领域中全球最大且历史最悠久的会员组织。会员人数从1899年的59名已发展到现今超过43000名,其中超过三分之一的会员来自

    - 2013-10-22 - 收藏
  • 广东省教育厅教师专业技术资格申报系统


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    - 2013-10-17 - 收藏
  • 游戏狗手机游戏论坛


    游戏狗手机游戏论坛打造中文最专业的安卓手机游戏论坛,讨论有什么好玩的手机游戏,打造最好的安卓游戏论坛。 bbs.gamedog.cn

    - 2013-10-16 - 收藏
  • 腾讯游戏社区



    - 2013-10-16 - 收藏
  • 红苹果家具官网


    香港红苹果家具是一家集研发、设计、生产、营销、服务于一体的现代板式家具、床垫及床品的企业。凭着我们三十多年的努力,红苹果家具获得全球各地消费者的信赖。免费... www.redapple.com.cn

    - 2013-10-12 - 收藏
  • SocialMedia.org


    We're an instant advisory board of the heads of social media at the world's biggest brands. Here you can share with experienced executives who understand both the internal and external challenges you're facing. You need a generous, vendor-free group of peers who do what you do -- and want to help. You've already got the research, trade associations, vendors, and agencies -- but what you're missing is the been-there, done-that experience from peers. We're the group

    - 2013-10-11 - 收藏
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    - 2013-10-11 - 收藏
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    - 2013-10-11 - 收藏