Channel [V]中国卫星频道每天24小时播放高素质的音乐节目,为观众提供包罗万象的中外流行音乐及时尚潮流节目,致力推动华语流行乐坛,举办过无数云集亚洲顶级歌手与国际巨星的乐坛盛典及地面活动,口碑载道,满足内地乐迷以及亚洲观众的要求,已成为中国与亚洲首屈一指的音乐台,是追求音乐时尚潮流年青观众最喜爱的频道。
- 2010-01-20 - 收藏Michael Jackson
The Official Michael Jackson site including info on This Is It, the Movie, Music, Videos and Lyrics from hits like.
- 2010-01-19 - 收藏大山-Rowswell
Dashan is 'the most famous foreigner in China', a media celebrity who serves as a cultural bridge between China and the West. 来自加拿大的大山是中国人民非常熟悉的国际友人。
- 2010-01-19 - 收藏Classical Music(拿索斯国际唱片)
Classical Music from the largest Classical Music Label. Listen to CDs/Recordings/Compositions Online and stay up to date with classical music news and reviews.
- 2010-01-06 - 收藏