- 2015-11-25 - 收藏DMesh, Triangulation Image Generator
DMesh, designed by Dofl Yun, is a custom creative application that turns images into techy artwork. It works by analyzing an image and generating a triangulation pattern for a beautiful finished
- 2015-11-24 - 收藏Denver Art Museum丹佛艺术博物馆官网
丹佛艺术博物馆(Denver Art Museum)是美国一所创建于19世纪90年代的艺术博物馆,属于非盈利性质的艺术机构,该艺术博物馆最初名为“丹佛艺术家俱乐部”并于1949年开放画廊,通过保留和展示古典艺术和现当代艺术来鼓励和启示落基山区居民的艺术鉴赏能力。
- 2015-11-24 - 收藏Kadenze官网
Kadenze 网站是一个专门提供艺术、设计和音乐类课程的MOOC平台,由加州艺术学院的副院长印度人Ajay Kapur创办,目前Kadenze有22门课上线,涉及视觉艺术、创意计算、计算图像、历史与文化、设计和音乐。其中已经开课的有4门,都配有英文字幕。Kadenze brings together educators, artists, and engineers from leading universities to provide world-class education in the fields of art and creative technology. Email us at or call us at (661) 367-1361
- 2015-11-24 - 收藏ArtGraphica网站
ArtGraphica 网站是一个致力于提供优质的艺术教育和来自不同背景和年龄段的艺术家们的作品,主要涉及写生、素描、油画、铅笔、水彩、粉彩、亚克力、木炭、水墨和绘画理论课程等。For more than ten years artgraphica has provided a free education for art students and a great resource for teachers, helping educate artists of all ages and abilities to improve sketching drawing and painting skills.
- 2015-11-24 - 收藏