United Nations Nations Unies(联合国)
This is the United Nations website. Here you will find information and links to the work of the UN.
- 2011-11-23 - 收藏UNHCR(联合国难民署)
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees was established on December 14, 1950 by the United Nations General Assembly. The agency is mandated to lead and co-ordinate international action to protect refugees and resolve refugee problems worldwide.
- 2011-11-23 - 收藏北京外企人力资源服务有限公司(FESCO)
- 2011-06-16 - 收藏Hennessy(轩尼诗)
Hennessy Cognac : All information about French Cognac Products and the Story Brand.. All information about wine and spirits making, brandy, wine tasting and Cognac - Hennessy Purewhite, VS, VSOP, Fine de Cognac, XO, Private Reserve, Paradis Extra, Paradis, Richard Hennessy, VSOP Fine Champagne.
- 2011-05-03 - 收藏