Holland at Home
一家领先的线上荷兰超市,主营的荷兰产品质量优良,种类繁多,包括:特色荷兰食品丶有机产品丶互惠贸易商品丶超级食物丶婴幼儿食品丶保健及美容产品丶荷兰纪念品丶杂志丶书籍,以及厨房用具等。Holland at Home is an online supermarket specializing in products from the Netherlands. Alongside a wide range of grocery articles we also offer non-food items with world wide shipping and low shipping costs
- 2015-11-21 - 收藏Web Japan官网
WebJapan是日本屈指可数的介绍日本和提供日本信息的优秀网站,网站用不同语言提供日本各领域的可用信息,如时尚潮流、文化、社会、历史、儿童等。Web Japan provides information about Japan including facts, fun and new trends, traditional and pop culture, science and technology, food, travel, and life style.web-japan.org
- 2015-11-08 - 收藏Food & Beverage Online
food portal,B2B China Foods Marketplace, Trading Board, and China food manufactures,exporters,importers,factory directory, products, wine, white milk,dairy products,food additive,Alcohol,Health Food Bread & Biscuit,Food Processing Machinery,Bean products,Milk & Dairy Products And so on food class products and food business supply and demand information
- 2015-11-01 - 收藏asiaEP
Asia leading e-marketplace for manufacturing industry include Automotive, Medical,Health & Beauty, Building and Construction, Metal and steel, Chemical, Paper and Wood, Electrical and Electronic, Plastic, Food & Beverage, Rubber, Furniture, Safety and security, Garment and Fashion, Services, Shoe and Footwear, Jewelry, Stationary and Office, Machinery, and household products
- 2015-11-01 - 收藏The Lady Magazine
Lady:英国夫人时尚杂志是英国创办时间最老的女性杂志,专注于优雅的女性培养优雅的心灵,该杂志创刊于1885年,距今已持续发行了130多年,总部位于伦敦,备受本土女性读者的青睐。The Lady is England\'s longest running weekly magazine for women and has been in continuous publication since 1885. The Lady is celebrated both for the quality of its editorial pages and its classified advertisements.- Homepage
- 2015-10-25 - 收藏农垦农产品质量安全信息网
- 2015-10-10 - 收藏四川农产品质量信息追溯平台
四川农产品质量信息追溯平台www.scfoodsafe.cn平台应用物品编码技术,建立以农产品供应链信息(原料来源—加工过程—成品检验—物流渠道—销售地点)电子记录为基础的信息追溯系统,实现农产品从原料到销售全过程、无缝隙的信息跟踪与溯源,最大限度降低市场信息不对称,促进企业严格自律、诚实守信的生产经营,提升产品质量;推进消费者明白、放心消费,重塑消费信心;协助监管部门有效、及时的监督和预警(召回),以便维护稳定的市场秩序。通过实施基于条码\\RFID技术的农产品质量追溯系统,在产品生产过程中进行关键数据的收集, 最后达到通过一个唯一的产品系列号或唯一条码能追溯每个产品生产过程的所有关键信息。
- 2015-10-10 - 收藏