Wholesale Central
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- 2021-04-19 - 收藏世享家居网|佛山市美一家具有限公司
佛山市美一家具有限公司|世享家居www.xmxfurniture.com.cn 公司坐落于\"中国家具制造重镇\"、\"中国家具材料之都\"——顺德龙江镇。创立以来,公司以科学的管理模式、优秀的人才队伍、强大的研发和生产能力、高效的营销网络赢得了广大消费者和经销商的信赖与支持。 公司作为一家集生产 、销售中高档现代家居企业。致力于为全球家庭提供舒适、安全、环保、人性化家具以及专业家居布置解决方案。在设计、研发上不断创新,领引潮流,设计团队定期远赴世界顶级设计之都深造。管理团体团结奋进,以人为本,以卓越的制作工艺严抓产品质量。以客户为核心、以优质工程服务为宗旨,为消费者优质生活提供保障。 公司实力雄厚,重信用、重品质、守合同。并秉承“诚信、创新、严谨、高效、双赢”的经营宗旨,薄利多销。 优质生活,从这里开始!
- 2017-11-28 - 收藏Pottery Barn官网
Pottery Barn’s expertly crafted collections offer a widerange of stylish indoor and outdoor furniture, accessories, decor and more, for every room in your home.www.potterybarn.com
- 2017-07-08 - 收藏Your gateway to the Danish Furniture Scene
Keep up to date with the latest news about Danish furniture companies, products, people and events danishfurniture.dk
- 2017-05-19 - 收藏Hooker Furniture
Hooker Furniture has been an industry leader for quality bedroom sets, dining room sets, living room furnishings, and home office furniture for over 90 years.www.hookerfurniture.com
- 2017-05-19 - 收藏Furniture Today
Complete information source for the furniture industry featuring retailer and manufacturing news, plus product trends and market analysis.www.furnituretoday.com
- 2017-05-19 - 收藏Furniture - Herman Miller
Inventive designs, technologies and related services that improve the human experience wherever people work, heal, learn and live.www.hermanmiller.com
- 2017-05-19 - 收藏