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- 2015-10-25 - 收藏AbsolutVision Stock Photo Gallery
AbsolutVision:绝对视觉免版权图库是第一家提供高解析度JPEG 2000照片的网站。提供上万张高质量免版税照片,每日更新,注册用户可下载每日的免费图片。The first JPEG200 Royalty-Free Stock Photo Image Bank with the most affordable subscribtion plan.
- 2015-10-25 - 收藏Improve在线图片修复网
Improve:在线图片修复网www.improveyourimages.com Improve:在线图片修复网与picozu图片编辑工具类似,所不同的是Improveyourimages网站提供了一个非常简便又有用的服务,那就是尽量改善和修复你提交上去的数码照片。喜欢经常拍数码照片的朋友应该会用得上。
- 2015-10-25 - 收藏比利时根特公立大学官网
- 2015-10-25 - 收藏比利时伯尔尼旅游官方网站
The official website of Berne tourism, with practical information about journey, accommodations, objects of interest, means of transport, meetings, restaurant, buying and much more.www.bern.com
- 2015-10-25 - 收藏WordItOut官网
WordItOut的操作非常简单,用户进入网站,只需要输入一段文本,然后就可以生成各种样式的“云”文字。除了WordItOut所提供的各种模板外,用户还可以根据自己的需要对WordItOut进行再设计,比如颜色、字符大小、字体、背景、文字相对位置等,接下来用户可以直接粘贴相关的代码,拷贝到自己的博客或者网站,就可以了。Word clouds are a fun way to show words, where the most important ones are bigger than the others. Discover, generate and share word clouds from any text with WordItOut! Now you can get them as custom gifts too!
- 2015-10-25 - 收藏Raumrot无版权图片网
Raumrot:免费高分辨率无版权图片网是一个由马库斯创办的致力于分享免费高清分辨率图片并可以用于个人和商业项目的图片素材资源,出色的高分辨照片全部免费,可直接下载使用,该网站已加入CC授权。raumrot: Free high-resolution pictures you can use on your personal and commercial projects. Outstanding Hi-Res Photos for FREE.
- 2015-10-25 - 收藏Deep Silver FISHLABS
Deep Silver FISHLABS brings next-gen gaming experiences with high-end 3D graphics and AAA production values to smartphones and tablets. Thanks to our unique know-how and strong IPs, we are ready to take the mobile landscape by storm and revise the way gaming on iOS, Android and WP8 is perceived. Get in touch with us today and help us make the games of tomorrow!
- 2015-10-25 - 收藏Photo505在线图片合成工具
Photo505:在线图片合成工具给出的各种效果图中都有一个位置是可以更换头像的,你只需要上传自己的图片,然后就会将你的图片更换原来图片的那个位置,上传照片直接点击browse即可。Photo505 is a tool to create digital photo effects from your photos online. Thousands of photo effects and photo filters are waiting for you.
- 2015-10-25 - 收藏