The SearchMonster Web Directory
WEB DIRECTORY human edited, local small business listing and Website Promotion Engine. Add Your Website Free to the SearchMonster Web Directory. Unique networking platform to connect your company with other small businesses in your industry. Reach new customers, build Google backlinks and social media connections. Promote your services, products, coupons, post articles, videos, customer reviews in a Google search engine safe web directory.www.searchmonster.org
- 2017-09-14 - 收藏G Directory
G Directory is directory of links organised into categories sorted topic wise. Listings in a variety of categories. A searchable web directory of sites categorized by topic, offering free and paid listings.www.gdirectory.info
- 2017-09-14 - 收藏Glgoo 学术搜索
Glgoo 学术搜索提供可广泛搜索学术文献的简便方法。您可以从一个位置搜索众多学科和资料来源:来自学术著作出版商、专业性社团、预印本、各大学及其他学术组织的经同行评论的文章、论文、图书、摘要和文章。Glgoo 学术搜索可帮助您在整个学术领域中确定相关性最强的研究。xue.glgoo.org
- 2017-07-22 - 收藏谷歌中国开发者网站
谷歌中国开发者网站Google Developers它汇集Google为全球开发者所提供的开发技术资源,其内容之丰富,并且涵盖以下关键开发技术和平台产品信息: 1.Android:开发者官方网站向应用开发者提供了Android SDK以及开发相关的各类文档;2.Web:学习如何利用Progressive Web App等Web技术来开发新一代的网站或移动应用;3.TensorFlow:提供对多种深度神经网络的支持,并且可以运行在不同的平台上;4.Google Play:借助它,开发者可以触达和服务全球190余个国家和地区的超过10亿Android用户;5.AdMod:可以通过它投放应用内置广告,轻松盈利;6.Firebase:是一个移动平台,帮助开发者快速开发高品质应用,扩大用户群。
- 2017-01-24 - 收藏Funny Logo
Create Funny logo makes your own search engine with your name as logo. Generates Funny logo with popular brands like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Flickr etc.createfunnylogo.com
- 2016-12-30 - 收藏Goglogo - Google Logo Creator
Goglogo allows you to create Google Style search engine for yourself. Its a free Google Logo Creator - great for fun!Goglogo - Create your OWN Google Search Page - Google Logo Maker - Google Logo Creator
- 2016-12-30 - 收藏