Digital Inspiration
Digital Inspiration offers tech how-to guides, software tips, gadget reviews, mobile app recommendations and video tutorials around all things tech.www.labnol.org
- 2017-07-22 - 收藏Gratisography
Gratisography - Free, use as you please, high-resolution stock photos for personal and commercial projects. All pictures were captured by Ryan McGuire of Bells Design.www.gratisography.com
- 2017-01-06 - 收藏iF WORLD DESIGN GUIDE
iF WORLD DESIGN GUIDE ifworlddesignguide.com IF设计大奖(IF Design Award)是由德国IF(International Forum Design)汉诺威国际论坛设计有限公司创办于1953年,至今已有63余年的悠久历史了,以振兴工业设计为目的,提倡设计创新理念,每年一次,被誉为全球设计大赛最重要的奖项之一,有“设计奥斯卡”的美誉。
- 2016-08-07 - 收藏Missguided官网
Shop the latest on trend women\'s fashion online at Missguided. With over 150 new products hitting our shelves every week, check out our new collections.www.missguidedus.com
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露露·吉尼斯 (Lulu Guinness) 素有英国手提包女王之美名,以精致纯手工著称,有着独特的英伦风情,设计理念是以四、五十年代怀旧的元素作为设计发想,其作品带有高贵英国淑女优雅的气质,除外更常将各种花卉、宠物、女性饰品、等运用在各种设计主题上,柔美高雅的创作风深深地感动各年龄层的女性。Unique, glamorous British handbags, clutches, purses & accessories. Browse and buy from Lulu\'s iconic collection at the official Lulu Guinness online store.
- 2016-06-08 - 收藏