美女图片专辑与视频尽在秀女郎 秀女郎-觅美旗下唯一官方网站_www.xiunvlang.com-原创视频-原创套图-原创美女视频-原创美女图片-专辑 - x.mimeiwanghong.com
- 2016-09-16 - 收藏中伦律师事务所官网
中伦律师事务所创立于1993年,是中国司法部最早批准设立的合伙制律师事务所之一。经过数年快速、稳健的发展壮大,中伦已成为中国规模最大的综合性律师事务所之一。中伦目前在北京、上海、深圳、广州、武汉、成都、重庆、青岛、东京、香港、伦敦、纽约、洛杉矶和旧金山设有办公室。 中伦是一家综合性律师事务所,旨在为客户的商业活动提供全面的法律支持。中伦拥有220多名合伙人和1100多名专业人员。各合伙人分别专精于特定的专业领域。通过合理的专业分工和紧密的团队合作,中伦有能力在各个领域为客户提供高质量的中国法律服务。在长期执业过程中,中伦并与多家境外知名律师事务所建立起了良好的合作关系,通过与其密切的合作,中伦有能力为客户在中国境外的投资及商务活动提供有力的法律支持。 www.zhonglun.com
- 2016-08-29 - 收藏Singapore International School(Hongkong)
Singapore International School(Hongkong)Singapore International School was first established in September 1991 in Kennedy Town with an enrolment of 200 pupils. In 1995, SIS moved to its current premises in Aberdeen. The new purpose-built school was built on land granted by the Hong Kong government, and the cost of the building was borne by the Singapore Government. In 2012, our secondary campus was officially open. The two campuses are connected by a link-bridge. Presently, the school
- 2016-08-09 - 收藏Hwa Chong International School
Hwa Chong International School (HCIS) is a member of the prestigious Hwa Chong family of schools, drawing its strength and mission from a century old tradition of educational excellence and philanthropy. Established in 2005 with the endorsement of the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the Economic Development Board of Singapore (EDB), HCIS is part of Singapore’s endeavour to diversify the local education landscape and offer more educational pathways and connections with the region and the world. A
- 2016-08-09 - 收藏